
理科はどうやったらできるようになるのか?  How can science be done?

The image above is called the Fraunhofer line. When light is decomposed into seven colors, the shadows of the elements appear as lines in the seven colors. Joseph von Fraunhofer, who discovered this, drew this line over 10 years. Now, by analyzing the Fraunhofer line from the light of a star that reaches the earth, it is useful to determine the elements that are abundant in that star. Fraunhofer's achievements are a scientific feat, but the lines he drew over a decade have broken the boundaries between art and science, and have already reached the essence of art.

One of the consultations that parents often receive at cram schools is that they are worried that they cannot teach their children to study science because we are a liberal arts student. According to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's "Basic Survey of Schools", the ratio of humanities and sciences in terms of population ratio is 70% for humanities: 30% for sciences. Certainly, there are many humanities and few sciences.

The great inventor of the 20th century, Thomas Edison, dropped out after three months of being unfamiliar with school, and his mother instead taught him to study at home. The childhood of the genius who invented the light bulb, made the steam engine compact, laid the foundation for the car, and created the gramophone was influenced by his mother, Nancy Edison.

She said that Nancy was a genius scientist, she was a normal mother with a different knowledge. Even if you are not a science expert, you can improve your child's science skills.

When I read a reference book or an examination instruction book that says that studying science is easy, it says something like this.

"Most of the memorization is so it's easy to improve your grades."
"If you can study correctly, you will get good results."
"Buy a book of problems, solve it, solve it, and solve it."

... I can't do that, so my grades are sluggish, but I have to say that it's advice without a lid.

When I remember what kind of science class I took when I was an adult, I can't help but feel that there were many classes that I didn't feel like I was deliberately taught interesting things.

For example, there are many "humanities parents" who cannot explain why a rainbow is formed. This is because light does not learn to be divided into seven colors in elementary school. Even though I remember receiving the explanation, I didn't have the opportunity to learn the principles in a fun way, so I became an adult with a sneak peek.

On the other hand, in England, while unraveling the history of England's great scientist Isaac Newton, he uses a prism of light in class to learn how a ray of light guided to a dark room divides into seven colors in the prism. Thanks to this, most children can explain the mechanism of the rainbow even when they grow up. The English poet John Keats said, "The mystery of the rainbow has been lost because of Newton's dismantling of the rainbow." It is increasing mysterious brilliance.

There was a child whose grades improved dramatically just by learning a little about what is an extension of science studying for entrance exams. He couldn't remember the elemental symbol table, and couldn't even remember the song of the sailor Ribe.

However, one day, when he said that hydrogen atoms would be compressed to produce helium elements, the brightness of his eyes changed. Furthermore, when I said that the numbers in the element symbol table were not in the order in which they were found, but in the order in which they were born in space, my eyes became even more brilliant. The next week, he even told me that the sun shines because hydrogen and helium are constantly burning (nuclear fusion). So, when I told him that if he tried to make a helium atom from a hydrogen atom by human power, he could finally make two or three helium atoms by heating at a temperature of several million degrees Celsius from a power of 50 trillion kilowatts. He told me that he could generate gold (Au) in the same way, but he read in a manga that he could make 1 gram with a budget of 10 trillion yen (this manga "Never imitate"). ).

What I realized through interacting with this child was that it was much easier to improve my grades by opening the door to curiosity than by any good reference book. The door of curiosity, which could not be opened by imposing boring principles, is released at once by a glimpse of the mysterious world of the birth of matter. Most of the science is memorization, and the rest is easy because it is only an application of calculation ... If you just teach the students, the children will not really learn science.

Shogakukan and Gakken's learning manga are like study supplements. School education lacks the opportunity to tickle the curiosity doors of children who do not know when to actively learn trivia other than studying for entrance exams and the achievements of scholars with Yokota Tokuo's manga. Because I am doing it. Also, if it does not interfere with the curiosity of the child and develops the curiosity, it will surely be possible for a liberal arts parent. The study method that can be seen in the future, isn't it the best study method that enables science to be done?















written by ダーウィソ

花言葉は「どこでも成功」ネモフィラ!ひたち海浜公園いちめんブルー The flower language is "success everywhere" Nemophila! Hitachi Seaside Park Ichimen Blue

The flower language is "success everywhere" Nemophila! Hitachi Seaside Park Ichimen Blue 

Nemophila with beautiful blue. The flower language is "Success everywhere"

Success Everywhere
Zubari in English, "Success Everywhere" is.

written by 水瀬次郎

自然に景色と音楽がミックスされて仕上がっていく「夏のポラロイド」崎谷健次郎が洗練させる詩世界 "Natsu no Polaroid", a poetry world refined by Kenjiro Sakiya, where scenery and music are naturally mixed and finished.

"Natsu no Polaroid", a poetry world refined by Kenjiro Sakiya, where scenery and music are naturally mixed and finished.

"Natsu no Polaroid"











A song from Kenjiro Sakiya's first album released in May 1987. In the summer of the same year, it was single-cut and played on FM. Rather than the whole album being summer, it feels like "summer" is lurking in the album. It's midsummer, but it's cooler than hot, as if you're looking at the sea through the blinds. I feel like I'm spending time in an air-conditioned room to avoid heat stroke. not bad. Is good. In the summer of 1987, I went to the coast of Izu. At that time, I didn't carry this song with me, so it wasn't BGM, but rather the Eurobeat was in full swing. But now, when I bring back the memories of those days, the scenery and music are naturally mixed, and it becomes a summer polaroid. The coast of Izu was a white and wide sand dune, and the sea was so shallow that I was scared of how far I could walk, and everything looked beautiful. Kenjiro Sakiya seems to have a stronger taste of "sound creator" than "singer-songwriter", but after listening to only Sanzan music, when he spread the lyrics card saying "I wonder if I should read the lyrics once in a while", It felt like a literary poetry world. Fragments of poetry and tunes are fused to project a summer sword-like landscape on the screen in the brain. The poetry that is released casually is like rain as it is absorbed by the dry concrete. Of course it is raining. Works written and composed by Kenjiro Sakiya, such as "Gosenfuno Message," are wonderful, but works written by people other than Mr. Sakiya are also firmly in Sakiya World. My words and someone's words are fused so that the scenery and music are naturally mixed. It's a sophisticated mix. The guitar cutting is not flashy, so the primary colors of summer are weakened. Rather, it is such a sophistication that it looks nice as an adult because it is monotone in the summer. Summer will come around this year as well. "So what? If you are told, you have no choice but to laugh back without words, but that's fine. Good things are good. Hot energy because of such simple emotions. It is a calm and intense "Natsu no Polaroid". The more you listen, the more you get the illusion that you are becoming more sophisticated. The poetry world refined by Kenjiro Sakiya had already been completed from the first summer. Cool, hot, passionate, rational, emotional and relaxing. When you think of summer, please have "Natsu no Polaroid". The recorded album is "DIFFERNECE".

ゆがんだギターと乱れるドラムの激しいスピード感なら、「思いがけないSITUATION」 If you have a distorted guitar and a turbulent drum, you can use "Unexpected SITUATION".

written by 水瀬次郎

安全のために冠水します「小目沼橋」増水したら無事やり過ごします It will be flooded for safety. "Omenuma Bridge" If the water rises, it will pass safely.

It will be flooded for safety. "Omenuma Bridge" If the water rises, it will pass safely.

Omenuma Bridge

Wooden bridge. It is a baking board for antiseptic treatment. There is no balustrade. When the water rises, water will flow over the bridge. Lumber may flow from the upstream, The system is such that you do not have to hit the bridge because the water level is high. For the safety of the bridge, I dare to flood it. It is called a "submerged bridge" or "submerged bridge".

written by 水瀬次郎