
ギリシャ神話~星座編~① Aries 牡羊座 Greek Mythology ~ Constellation ~ ① Aries Aries

Greek Mythology ~ Constellation ~ ① Aries Aries


Greek mythology contains many stories about stars. That is why many of the constellation names are named after the gods and heroes of Greek mythology.
Therefore, in writing the story of Greek mythology, I would like to first introduce what kind of episodes are hidden in the stars that decorate the night sky as the "constellation edition". Let's start with the 12 constellations.

What is the story about Aries ...?

According to the horoscope, Aries Aries is the constellation of people born between March 21st and April 10th. Well, aside from that, here I would like to introduce the story of Greek mythology about the constellations.

黄金の羊の話 The story of the golden sheep

話は、古代ギリシャの中部にあった地方都市を治めている王アマタスが、雲を司る妖精、ネペレーという王妃を迎えて、長男プリクソスと長女ヘレを産んだところからはじまります。 The story begins when King Amatas, who governs a provincial city in central ancient Greece, gives birth to his eldest son, Phrixus, and his eldest daughter, Helle, with a queen named Nephele, the fairy who controls the clouds.

このアマタスとネペレーは、あまりうまくいっていなかったようで、アマタスはネペレーに暇を出し、代わりにイーノーという女性を妻に迎えます。これが悲劇のはじまりとなるのです。 The Amatas and Nephele didn't seem to be doing very well, and Amatas spends his time in Nephele with a woman named Ino as his wife. This is the beginning of the tragedy.

At first, Ino seemed to have petted his ex-wife's children, Phrixus and Here, but when he had a child between himself and Amatas, the existence of the two became an obstacle, and eventually he made a strange plan. You will be able to go around.

どういった企みか、というと、まず、農民を買収して、畑に、穀物が実らないような工作をさせます。当然、その年は大凶作。王であるアマタスは頭を抱えることになります。そこでイーノーはゼウスの神託を仰ぐようにアマタスに進言するんですよね。イーノーが、前もって、神託を告げる神官も買収していることは言わずもがなです。 The first step is to buy a farmer and have the field work to prevent grain from growing. Naturally, that year was a terrible crop. King Amatas will hold his head. So Ino advises Amatas to ask for Zeus's oracle. It goes without saying that Ino has also acquired the priest who tells the oracle in advance.

そして、アマタスは、その神託で、長男のプリクソスを神へのいけにえにするように、と告げられるんですね。悩みに悩んだアマタスですが、国の民を救うための神託ならばいたしかたない、と、覚悟を決めます。(大体、自分の息子をいけにえにせよ、という神託なんかを信じるなよな、っていいたいのですが…。) And Amatas is told in that oracle to sacrifice his eldest son, Phrixus, to God. Amatas is worried, but he decides that he can't do anything if it's an oracle to save the people of the country. (Generally, don't believe in the oracle of sacrificing your son ...)

ここでだまっていられないのが実の母のネペレーです。この計画がイーノーの企てだと見て取ったネペレーは、プリクソスがいけにえにされるために神殿に上がっていったときに、その神殿全体を雲でおおってしまいます。何も見えなくなってみんなが大さわぎする中、ネペレーは、わが子のプリクソスとヘレを抱きかかえて連れ去ります。 What I can't be fooled by here is my mother Nephele. Seeing this plan as Ino's plot, Nephele goes up to the temple to sacrifice Phrixus, and she covers the entire temple with clouds. As she disappears and everyone makes a fuss, Nephele takes her child, Phrixus and Here, in his arms.

It was a sheep that came there. This sheep was the golden sheep that Nephele received from Zeus, who could not only understand human language but also fly in the sky.

この羊は、背中にプリクソスとヘレを乗せると、イーノーの追手から逃れるべく、空高く舞い上がって、ヨーロッパから脱出しようと飛んでいくのです。その羊が黒海とエーゲ海の間にさしかかったとき、ああ、何ということか、下をのぞきこんだヘレが、そのあまりの恐さに思わず手を離して、羊の背中からすべり落ちてしまうのです。気が動転するプリクソスをなだめながら、羊は、一生懸命、飛びつづけて、現在のジョージア西部にあるコルキスというところへたどり着きます。 With Phrixus and Helle on his back, the sheep soars high in the sky to escape Ino's pursuit and flies to escape Europe. When the sheep approached between the Black Sea and the Aegean Sea, ah, somehow, Helle, who looked down, let go of his hand and slipped off the sheep's back. .. Soothing the upset Phrixus, the sheep continue to fly hard to reach what is now Colchis in western Georgia.

そこでプリクソスは、その地を治めていた王に温かく迎え入れられて、王女とも結婚することができて、その後末長く幸福にすごすことになります。 There, Phrixus was warmly welcomed by the king who ruled the land, and was able to marry the princess, and after that he would be happy for a long time.

ゼウスは、このときの黄金の羊の活躍を讃えて、星座にしたのです。プリクソスも、この黄金の羊の死後、その皮を国宝として残しました。後々、それが原因で争いが生じることなど夢にも思わずに……。 Zeus made it a constellation in honor of the golden sheep's success at this time. Phrixus also left its skin as a national treasure after the death of this golden sheep. Later, without even dreaming that it would cause a conflict ...

written by Kazusa

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