
フジファブリック「若者のすべて」 夏の日差しと翳りに包まれた青春のすべて  Fujifabric "Everything about Youth" - All about youth wrapped in the sunlight and shadows of summer

若者のすべてフジファブリック 2007
"Everything about Youth" Fujifabric 2007








One of the good things about getting older is being able to listen to songs about the end of summer at the beginning of summer. I can listen to music regardless of the season, but for some reason, there are songs that I find myself wanting to listen to around August 3rd. I like summer, but my favorite time of the year is early summer, around June. The days leading up to the summer solstice are filled with the brightness of the long days, and I feel good whether it's rainy or sunny. After the summer solstice, I feel lonely, as if summer has passed, and I often feel more like a sense of impatience. But when I look back on my memories, the training camp at the end of August and even the autumn sports festival come back to me as if they were wrapped in the summer sunshine. I have forgotten many things, but there are also things that I remember vividly, and the summer in my memory is a mix of all sorts of things. There are many events that I think I can call my youth when I was a teenager. Although everything is non-fiction, it also feels like fiction, as I don't know how and where they were added. I wonder if the sunlight was this painful back then. It's unclear.

Fujifabric "Everything for the Young" 2007 release



Was that right? I have the impression that I listened to it in the flow of the singles "Sakura no Kisetsu," "Kagerou," "Aka-Kiro no Kinmokusei," and "Ginga." I remember hearing it as early as 2006 at the latest. Memories are so unreliable. I feel like I was more into Fujifabric's music than I realised. At the time, I often stopped by the CD shop in the listening section. I remember there being a lot of hip hop and rap, so the pleasant sound of Fujifabric's "band playing" stood out.

The PV is a short film

PVは短編映画みたいで、何度も何度も繰り返して中毒状態。とくに初期シングル4曲は、最高傑作です。PVクリップ集を買ったはず。でも、どこにあるんだろう? パソコンにDVDレコーダーをつなげて観てました。そうそう、DVDは最初のうちはプレステで再生してたんだっけ。
The PV is like a short movie, and I watch it over and over again until I'm addicted. The first four singles are especially great. I'm sure I bought the PV clip collection. But where is it? I used to watch them by connecting a DVD recorder to my computer. Oh yeah, I remember that I used to play DVDs on the PlayStation at first.





"Everything for the Youth" When I listen to "Everything for the Youth", I am overwhelmed by the greatness of "Something Not to Say". The lyrics are wonderful, but they don't say anything. That's how I feel. They don't say the most important thing, and that's why it comes across. That's how I feel.






After listening to the song, I read the title again. "Everything about the Youth." Exactly everything. At the same time, memories of incredibly personal and mundane events come back to me vividly. I often find myself thinking, "Why do I remember this?" I don't know when I'll remember it again. As the memories are "played" over and over again, it's hard for me to tell how much is fact and how much is new fiction. That's why I try to enjoy it. When the memories come back to me, it's like I'm on a mental journey. It's a super personal movie about everything about my youth that's gone by. The running time is just a few seconds. At most 4 minutes.







In the 2000s, I was obsessed with computers, playing online games, and listening to music while chatting. Vocaloid was also starting to become popular, but I preferred band performances. That said, I gradually became more and more fascinated with game music, so it's not that I like one particular type of music, I like them all. Even if I stop listening to music for a while, it's not because I'm tired of it. I've just returned from a trip. I'll probably go out again someday. The beauty of the contrast between the summer sunshine and the shadows is intensely felt this year as well. A season that comes around once a year. This year is this year's summer. This is the only summer of the year.

すばらしい夏を! VIVA!!

written by 水瀬次郎

フジファブリックの「陽炎」 すぐそこにある夏の情景
