
世界一ではないかも知れませんが分かりやすかった本の話  The story of a book that may not be the best in the world but was easy to understand

I read a hit book published in 2005.


第1回 上昇相場に騙されない「株式チャート」の読み方
第2回 プロにカモにされないための「情報」との接し方
第3回 個人投資家の”強味”を最大限に生かす「銘柄選別法」
第4回 ”西武鉄道の上場廃止”に学ぶ「情報判断力」の磨き方
第5回 個人投資家に最も適している「中・長期投資」の考え方
第6回 株を売買する際の「原則」と「心構え」について
I read "Masahiro Hosono's World's Most Easy-to-Understand Stock Book". It is a book published in 2005, but it is a hit book. There are still many listings on Amazon.

1st How to read the "stock chart" that is not deceived by the rising market
2nd How to interact with "information" to prevent professionals from being ducks
The 3rd "Brand selection method" that maximizes the "strength" of individual investors
How to improve "information judgment" learned from the 4th "Delisting of Seibu Railway"
5th: The concept of "medium- to long-term investment" that is most suitable for individual investors
The 6th "Principle" and "Preparation" when buying and selling stocks

What impressed me

In the explanation about "TV station stocks", a newspaper article "Fuji wins alone" was introduced, and there was a sense of alienation.

written by 仮面サラリーマン


日本経済が本当は凄いという人もいます。 令和最初に読み終わった本  Some people say that the Japanese economy is really amazing. Reiwa The first book you finished reading

I don't know if it's "the last reading in Heisei" or "the first reading in Reiwa", but I started reading.


As a result, it became the first book I had read.
The content of the e-mail newsletter of the author, Masahiro Yamaguchi, from 2011 to 2013 has been re-edited. Since it was written during the Democratic Party of Japan, the main content is a counterargument to pessimism.

Chapter 1 [American Economy] Oh America! Is the day of resurrection near?
Chapter 2 [China Economy] The economic slowdown is real, and the bubble burst is near!
Chapter 3 [European Economy] Japan, an emerging country that has been shaken by the European crisis, cannot be unrelated.
Chapter 4 [Investment] Teaching know-how on the mechanism of foreign exchange and stock investment
Chapter 5 [Japanese Economy (1)] Verifying the strength to overcome the strong yen and the earthquake
Chapter 6 [Japanese Economy (2)] "Does the Japanese economy collapse?" Don't believe such hoaxes!

What impressed me

The author, Masahiro Yamaguchi, has long pointed out structural flaws in the EU. This is a book before the Brexit referendum, but it explains the problems that lie there.

written by 仮面サラリーマン
