
立場を超えてスピーディーに問題を解決した大煙突 A large chimney that solves problems speedily beyond the standpoint

A large chimney that solves problems speedily beyond the standpoint 




工場の煙突、 銭湯の煙突、 あるいは、 煙突のような見た目の展望塔。

 今日は茨城県日立市の山に立つ煙突について、 少しだけお話したいと思います。

A landscape with a chimney. Hitachi Mine's large chimney pic.twitter.com/larMeqa7mR — Movable nose (@ ugusu2) October 27, 2018 I think it's all over Japan. I think it blends into the city as usual, too naturally. A factory chimney, a public bath chimney, or an observation tower that looks like a chimney. Today I would like to talk a little about the chimneys that stand in the mountains of Hitachi City, Ibaraki Prefecture.

What is the Hitachi City Chimney?




 現在は、 折れてしまった後の姿なのです。

 立場を超えて健康と命のために建築された煙突 鉱山の煙突です。

排煙は住民の健康を害するだけではなく、 農作物を枯らしてしまうほどの大きな被害をもたらします。

 そして忘れてはならないのは、 鉱山で働いている人たちにとっても健康問題だということ。





 けれども日立市の大煙突は、 対立している立場を超えて、 『問題解決』を果たしたことが、 いまなお地元で愛され続けている理由ではないでしょうか。

 歴史的な背景や、 その技術力、 実現に至ったみちのりは、 ここではあえて省略させていただきます。

One of the chimneys standing in the mountains of Hitachi City is called a "large chimney". Originally, it was a really big chimney. Its height is the highest in the world. Now it's what it looks like after it's broken. A chimney built for health and life beyond the standpoint. A mine chimney. Smoke exhaust not only harms the health of the inhabitants, but also causes great damage to the crops. And don't forget that it's also a health problem for those who work in mines. As a position, ·Perpetrator ·victim Is born. However, the fact that Hitachi City's large chimney has achieved "problem-solving" beyond its conflicting position may be the reason why it is still loved by the locals. The historical background, its technological capabilities, and Michinori, which led to its realization, are intentionally omitted here.

 私が「日立の大煙突」のエピソードで、 とくに好きなのが、

 「本来ならば対立して争って消耗してもおかしくない関係だったのに、  互いに協力する道筋を立てて、問題を解決したこと」 です。



 しかし、 超えた。現実です。






 でも、 取り組み始めたときは、 先のことなど見えなくて、 分からなかったことも多かったと思います。


 本を紐解けば、 さまざまな記録に触れることができます。

 大煙突としての存在は、 私も目撃しているはず。

In the episode of "Hitachi's Great Chimney", I especially like it. "Originally, it was a relationship that could be exhausted by conflicting conflicts, but we set a path for mutual cooperation and solved the problem." The problem was serious. Beyond the position, it wouldn't have been easy. But it exceeded. It's a reality. Achieved. It was realized. problem solving. The time required is by no means long. Rather, it is a kind of early solution. However, when I started working on it, I think there were many things I didn't understand because I couldn't see the future. The strong motivation may have won because we cannot see the future. If you unravel the book, you can touch various records. I must have witnessed its existence as a large chimney.



ですから、 親戚や知人たちに尋ねても特別な記念写真が見当たりません。

But the memory is ambiguous. It must have been too natural to be there. Therefore, when I ask my relatives and acquaintances, I can't find any special commemorative photos.

花見や散歩で撮影したスナップショットは、 いろいろたくさんあるのですが、 ピンポイントに「大煙突」を写真にしたことが、 身近にありません。



海と桜の見える山に、 いまも立ち続けて、 風に吹かれています。

There are many snapshots taken during cherry blossom viewing and walking, but I have never taken a pinpoint photo of a "big chimney". The big chimney that was always there. It broke, but it still exists. I'm still standing in the mountains where I can see the sea and cherry blossoms, and the wind is blowing.









日立大煙突 詳しくはこちらをどうぞ↓





You may have heard a detailed episode somewhere. It's easy to remember the faces of nostalgic people, but when it comes to conversational memories, it's hard to remember. I wish I had heard more, but There is also the idea that important things will be passed on beyond words and stories. For the time being, the seasons will come again this year. It's spring. As usual, I look at the cherry blossoms, the sea, and the wind. And sometimes I suddenly remember. Hitachi Large Chimney Click here for details ↓ Hitachi Mine Hitachi Mine (Hitachi Kozan) is a mine located in Hitachi City, Ibaraki Prefecture, and mainly produced copper and iron sulfide ore. Hitachi Mine's large chimney The Hitachi Mine's large chimney is 511 feet high (about 155.75 meters), which began to be used on March 1, 1915 (Taisho 4) at the Hitachi Mine in Hitachi City, Ibaraki Prefecture. ) Chimney. The large chimney of the Hitachi Mine was the tallest chimney in the world at the time of completion, and helped to alleviate the smoke damage problem that was a burden on the management of the Hitachi Mine. Nikko Memorial Hall 3585 Miyata-cho, Hitachi City, Ibaraki Prefecture 317-0055 Phone: 0294-21-8411 Opening hours: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

written by 水瀬次郎


ギリシャ神話~星座編~② Taurus 牡牛座 Greek Mythology-Constellation-② Taurus Taurus

Greek Mythology-Constellation-② Taurus Taurus

Speaking of Greek mythology, Zeus, the omnipotent king who is the main god and the father of many gods, isn't it? This god Zeus appears in most episodes of Greek mythology. However, there are many episodes of the main character himself. Zeus will be a big success in this story of Taurus (!). When I hear that he is the father of the gods and the omnipotent king, I wonder how wonderful the gods are, but that is the interesting part of Greek mythology. Every god is human and makes various mistakes. Now, what mistake does Zeus make in this episode?

What is the story about Taurus ...?

According to the horoscope, the person whose date of birth is from April 21st to May 20th will be Taurus. What kind of episode is hidden? Even if it is said that it is a story in a legend or a myth, what kind of content is it, who is the main character, isn't it something that people born around this star are curious about?

Leaving a European mother

Princess Europa, the daughter of the Phoenician king, had an undisputed beauty. The rumor was even whispered among the gods of the heavenly world. And it was Zeus who heard the rumor and started to sow. Zeus was a omnipotent, omnipotent and fearless god with lightning as his weapon, but his amorousness was not odd. One spring day, Zeus descends to the lower world to see Europa at a glance.

Zeus noticed a particularly beautiful woman among the young maidens who were playing in the spring field where the flowers were in full bloom. When she finds out that it's Europa, she turns into a beautiful white bull and approaches. The maidens were surprised and tried to escape, but seemed curious about the beauty of the bull and gathered around the bull without knowing that Zeus was ghosting. Perhaps Europa was attracted to the bull staring at her with her big eyes, she stretched out her hand and began stroking the bull. The bull gladly stared at Europa. Europa sits down on the bull's back. Now, it was Zeus who was not a bull who was pleased. Didn't you start running fiercely when you stood up here and there?

What surprised me was Europa. He screamed to call for help as he clung to the bull's back to avoid being shaken off. But no one can hear that voice. With such Europa on his back, he crossed the field, ran through the forest, crossed the mountains, and eventually went out to the shore, and the bull jumped into the sea. Europa just trembles in fear and cries. Still, the bull does not try to turn back, but while surrounded by various sea fairies and dolphins, he swims across the sea and arrives at a large land.

So Zeus again proves his identity and applies to Europa for marriage. And after taking the name of Europa, the land is named Europa Continent. This is what Europe is today.

After this, Zeus breaks up with Europa and returns to the land of the gods, but in the memory of his love with Europa, he creates a constellation in the form of a bull who has transformed himself. This is Taurus.

In addition to this story, there is another story about Zeus's wife, Hera, in Taurus, but since it has little relevance to the constellation, I will only introduce the story of Europa here. I'm going to go.

written by Kazusa
