
水族館の水面と水平線が空の境界を錯覚させる空間の葛西臨海水族園 入園者数6000万人突破  The water surface and horizon of the aquarium create the illusion of the sky being the boundary at Kasai Rinkai Aquarium Attendance exceeds 60 million

The water surface and horizon of the aquarium create the illusion of the sky being the boundary at Kasai Rinkai Aquarium








【2024年8月加筆】 [Updated August 2024]

夏休みはお盆休みは混雑するようですが、入園者数には苦労しているようです。2023年11月には入園者数は6000万人を達成していますが、施設の老朽化などで苦戦しております。 It seems that the park gets very busy during the summer and Obon holidays, but they are struggling with attendance. The park is expected to reach 60 million visitors by November 2023, but is struggling with the deterioration of its facilities.

written by 水瀬次郎


テレビドラマの予告編が解禁された大好きな映画シリーズを観ました。 テレビドラマちょっと不安です。 I watched my favorite movie series, and the trailer for the TV drama was released. I'm a little worried about the TV drama.

I watched my favorite movie series, and the trailer for the TV drama was released. I'm a little worried about the TV drama.

A TV drama spinoff of my favorite "Bourne" series





It will be broadcast as a TV drama in the US from October. The title is "Treadstone". The Bourne series, which began with "The Bourne Identity" (2002), has won many fans by depicting the story of amnesiac assassin Jason Bourne with thrilling plot developments and realistic action. After the sequels "The Bourne Supremacy" (2004) and "The Bourne Ultimatum" (2007), five films have been made so far, including "The Bourne Legacy" (2012) with a completely new cast, and "Jason Bourne" (2016) starring Damon again. Since it's summer vacation, I watched the first three films in a row. It seems that the first three films were originally planned to be the end of the series, and I like how they are well connected and don't use CG. The whole movie unfolds at a good pace. I'm a little worried about the TV drama, but I want to see it soon.

【2024年8月加筆】 [Updated August 2024]


The TV series "Treadstone" began airing on September 24, 2019 with 10 episodes. It is a spin-off drama set in the same world as the "Bourne" film series. The story moves back and forth between 1973, before the first film, "The Bourne Identity," and the present day, after the latest film, "Jason Bourne."

written by 仮面サラリーマン


Straw Millionaire(わらしべ長者) 節約と浪費の本を買いました。 Straw Millionaire I bought a book about saving and spending.

Straw Millionaire I bought a book about saving and spending.



Get a book at zero cost I bought a book called "Saving Brothers" using limited-time T-points that expire on August 20th.

この本を読んだことで、投資で億万長者になれれば、Straw Millionaire(わらしべ長者)なのですが、実際にはアドセンス収入が数十円というところでしょうか。現実は厳しいです。



If you can become a millionaire by investing after reading this book, you'll be a Straw Millionaire, but in reality, your AdSense income will probably only be a few tens of yen. The reality is harsh. A story about a spendthrift older brother and a thrifty younger brother It was a modern version of "The Ant and the Grasshopper." It explained everything from savings, card loans, mortgages, insurance, and retirement funds, and even now when 20 million yen for retirement is a hot topic, there are many useful stories, so I read it in one day because it was so interesting.

[Updated August 2024]
この本が出版された2015年から9年の月日が経過しました。日本では物価の上昇が顕著になり、お金について考えなくてはならない時代に突入したようです。資産運用を始める前に読んでもいい本です。 Nine years have passed since this book was published in 2015. Prices in Japan have risen significantly, and we seem to have entered an era where we need to think about money. This is a good book to read before starting asset management.

written by 仮面サラリーマン
