
台風14号 チャンホン「熱帯性常緑樹ビャクダン」 Typhoon No. 14 Changhong "Tropical evergreen sandalwood" 

 Typhoon No. 14 Changhong "Tropical evergreen sandalwood"


Typhoon Chanhon, the 14th typhoon, is approaching the Japanese archipelago.

Typhoons can cause damage even in areas that are not on the direct hit path.

Last year, the news broke that masking tape had "disappeared (sold out)" from home improvement stores.

This year, improved items such as "shatterproof tape (transparent type)" have appeared. Disaster prevention and crime prevention measures are constantly evolving.

Let's be careful.


Speaking of typhoons, their name comes to mind. I'm curious about this one too. There's been a lot of talk on social media about "Chanpon misreading," but what does Changhon mean?

Changhon was named in Laos. It means sandalwood. Sandalwood is known as a fragrant wood, and is one of the scents that we feel close to. So, sandalwood is a tropical tree. Sandalwood is a tropical evergreen tree, and that's Changhon.

But the predicted course is heading south. South!?



[Updated October 2024]


新しい防災グッズ: 今年は、より強力な防風シートや、簡単に設置できる防水バリアなどが登場しています。これらのアイテムは、家庭でも簡単に使用できるため、多くの家庭で備えられています。

気象予測技術の進化: 最新の気象予測技術により、台風の進路や強度の予測がさらに正確になりました。これにより、早めの避難や対策が可能となり、被害を最小限に抑えることができます。

コミュニティの連携: 地域コミュニティでの防災訓練や情報共有が活発化しています。特に高齢者や障害者など、災害時に支援が必要な人々へのサポート体制が強化されています。

環境への配慮: 台風対策においても、環境への配慮が求められています。再利用可能な防災グッズや、環境に優しい素材を使用した製品が増えています。






From the perspective of 2024, typhoon countermeasures have evolved even further. New disaster prevention goods: This year, stronger windproof sheets and waterproof barriers that are easy to install have appeared. These items are easy to use at home, so many households have them. Evolution of weather forecasting technology: The latest weather forecasting technology has made it possible to predict the path and strength of typhoons even more accurately. This allows for early evacuation and countermeasures, minimizing damage. Community cooperation: Disaster prevention training and information sharing in local communities are becoming more active. Support systems for people who need assistance in the event of a disaster, especially the elderly and disabled, are being strengthened. Environmental considerations: Environmental considerations are also being called for in typhoon countermeasures. Reusable disaster prevention goods and products made from environmentally friendly materials are on the rise. These evolutions are enabling us to get through the typhoon season more safely. In addition, new technologies for typhoon countermeasures are also appearing in 2024. For example, the use of drones to quickly grasp the damage situation and the optimization of evacuation instructions using AI are being promoted. This allows for faster and more accurate responses in the event of a disaster. Measures tailored to the characteristics of each region are also being implemented. For example, in coastal areas, seawalls have been strengthened as a measure against high tides, and inland areas, flood control works are being carried out to prevent river flooding. This allows measures to be taken according to the risks in each region, and damage is being reduced. Furthermore, as part of typhoon countermeasures, it is also important to raise the disaster prevention awareness of local residents. Disaster prevention education and training are now conducted regularly in schools and local communities, and each resident is acquiring the knowledge and skills to protect themselves. Finally, international cooperation is essential for typhoon countermeasures. Countries are working together to implement typhoon countermeasures through the sharing of meteorological data and technical cooperation. This advances disaster countermeasures from a global perspective, creating an environment in which people around the world can live safely.

written by 水瀬次郎


ジェフリー・アーチャー 超大作 やっと読了 Jeffrey Archer's masterpiece finally finished reading


Jeffrey Archer's masterpiece finally finished reading




















I finally finished reading Jeffrey Archer's Clifton Chronicles. - Only Time Will Tell (Vol. 1 & 2) - Death, Too (Vol. 1 & 2) - The Bell of Judgment (Vol. 1 & 2) - Raise Your Sails (Vol. 1 & 2) - Mightier Than the Sword (Vol. 1 & 2) - The Time is Ripe (Vol. 1 & 2) - Remaining (Vol. 1 & 2) If you miss the subtitle "Clifton Chronicles" from Part 1 to Part 7, you might think it's a different novel, but the story goes on and on. This is the first book I've read while waiting for the announcement of the next work, and I'm very happy to have come across it. Usually, I often come across books with a complete story. It's a story about the life and death of a fictional character, but the structure in which the surrounding characters take turns to participate in the main story is very interesting. The characters are clearly good and evil, so what kind of plot is it? What kind of solution will he come up with? I wonder... Archer's novels often feature parliamentary election campaigns, but I feel like they have a uniquely British flavor. He has many other works, so please check them out. It's been over 40 years since I first encountered Archer's work, and I'm very happy that its appeal has not diminished at all.

[Updated October 2024]

2024年の視点から見ると、アーチャーの作品はますますその魅力を増しています。 特に、クリフトン年代記は時代を超えて愛され続けており、新たな読者層も獲得しています。アーチャーの描くキャラクターの深みやストーリーテリングの巧みさは、現代の読者にも強く響いています。さらに、彼の作品は映像化も進んでおり、映画やドラマとしても楽しむことができるようになりました。これからもアーチャーの新作を楽しみにしています。 さらに、アーチャーの作品は教育の場でも取り上げられるようになりました。彼の小説は、歴史的背景や政治的な要素が豊富であり、学生たちにとっても学びの多い内容となっています。特に、クリフトン年代記は、20世紀の英国社会を描いた作品として、歴史の授業で使用されることが増えています。 また、アーチャーの作品は、読書会やブッククラブでも人気を集めています。彼の小説は、登場人物の複雑な人間関係や、予測不可能な展開が魅力であり、読者同士のディスカッションを盛り上げる要素が満載です。特に、クリフトン年代記は、長編シリーズとしての魅力があり、読書会での話題に事欠きません。 さらに、アーチャーの作品は、オーディオブックとしても人気があります。忙しい現代人にとって、通勤時間や家事の合間に聴くことができるオーディオブックは、非常に便利です。アーチャーの緻密なストーリーテリングは、音声で聴いてもその魅力を失うことなく、むしろ新たな楽しみ方を提供してくれます。 最後に、アーチャーの作品は、国際的にも高い評価を受けています。彼の小説は多くの言語に翻訳され、世界中の読者に愛されています。特に、クリフトン年代記は、異なる文化や背景を持つ読者にも共感を呼び起こし、国境を越えて広がる魅力を持っています。

From the perspective of 2024, Archer's works are becoming more and more appealing. In particular, The Clifton Chronicles have been loved throughout the ages and have gained new readers. The depth of Archer's characters and skillful storytelling resonate strongly with modern readers. In addition, his works have been adapted into films and can now be enjoyed as movies and dramas. I look forward to Archer's new works in the future.

In addition, Archer's works have also been featured in educational settings. His novels are rich in historical background and political elements, and students can learn a lot from them. In particular, The Clifton Chronicles is increasingly being used in history classes as a work depicting 20th century British society.

Archer's works are also popular in reading groups and book clubs. His novels are attractive for their complex human relationships and unpredictable developments, and are full of elements that will liven up discussions between readers. In particular, The Clifton Chronicles has the appeal of being a long series, and there is no shortage of topics to talk about in reading groups.

In addition, Archer's works are also popular as audiobooks. For busy modern people, audiobooks are very convenient because they can be listened to during commuting or housework. Archer's detailed storytelling does not lose its appeal when listened to in audio format, but rather provides a new way to enjoy it.

Finally, Archer's works are highly acclaimed internationally. His novels have been translated into many languages ​​and are loved by readers around the world. In particular, the Clifton Chronicles evoke sympathy in readers of different cultures and backgrounds, and have an appeal that spreads across borders.

written by ブー船長とスヌ
