
徒然なる日々 砕氷艦しらせがやってきた!  Idle Days: The icebreaker Shirase has arrived!

Idle Days: The icebreaker Shirase has arrived!





I was thinking that there was an unfamiliar ship, and then the Shirase, which is used for Antarctic observation, arrived. I went to see it right away! The public opening has been canceled due to COVID-19. Too bad. I wanted to go inside. They're going to Antarctica again in November. After this, they're stopping by Maizuru♪ I wonder when they'll stop by again? ?

[Updated September 2024]

海上自衛隊の砕氷艦「しらせ」の艦名は南極昭和基地の近くにある「白瀬氷河」が由来だという。白瀬氷河は、日本人として初めて南極大陸へ到達した旧日本陸軍中尉・白瀬矗(しらせ のぶ)を由来とするから、艦名は白瀬中尉を由来とする解釈もできる。しかし、海自艦艇を名付ける基準を定めた訓令のなかに人名は入っていないので、白瀬中尉の名前を直接的に示すものではないのだそうだ。








The name of the icebreaker Shirase of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force is said to come from the Shirase Glacier near the Showa Station in Antarctica. The Shirase Glacier is named after the first Japanese to reach the Antarctic continent, Lieutenant Shirase Nobu of the Imperial Japanese Army, so the name of the ship can be interpreted as coming from Lieutenant Shirase. However, since the instruction that sets the standards for naming JMSDF vessels does not include any personal names, it is not a direct reference to Lieutenant Shirase's name. The icebreaker Shirase is a world-famous ship, and is often featured in the news, so it is probably a familiar ship. The Shirase travels back and forth between Japan and Antarctica carrying personnel and supplies for the Antarctic Research Expedition. The origins of Japan's Antarctic research can be traced back to the Antarctic exploration and academic research of Lieutenant Shirase mentioned above. This was in the 1900s and early 1910s. And today's Antarctic observation refers to the dispatch of scientific observation and research groups from the National Institute of Polar Research as observation teams. The decision to dispatch the first Antarctic Research Expedition was made in 1956, and it has been a national project that has been ongoing for over 60 years. The Shirase is often called by its two titles, Antarctic observation ship and icebreaker. In terms of its activities, it is an Antarctic observation ship, but the Maritime Self-Defense Force, which operates it, classifies it as an icebreaker. As the name suggests, it means a ship with the ability to break ice. Japan's Antarctic observation ships and icebreakers have a long history. The first was the Soya (belonging to the Japan Coast Guard), the second was the Fuji, and the third was the current Shirase. There are two Shirases: the first Shirase (AGB5002) and the current second Shirase (AGB5003). The first Shirase was laid down and constructed in 1981, commissioned the following year in 1982, and decommissioned in 2008. The second Shirase was laid down and constructed in 2007, commissioned in 2009, and is still in use. In 2008, between the retirement of the first Shirase and the construction of the second, a private Australian icebreaker was chartered for the 50th research expedition voyage. Incidentally, "AGB" is the classification and symbol used by the MSDF to indicate icebreakers. In addition, the English name for icebreaker is "Icebreaker" and indicates its functionality. The current second Shirase has been enlarged to carry about 1,100 tons of supplies to the Showa Station in Antarctica. Its standard displacement is 12,650 tons. This makes it the second largest ship in the MSDF after the supply ship Mashu, which has a displacement of 13,500 tons, and one of the most high-performance icebreakers in the world. Its icebreaking functions are as follows: First, the angle of the hull where the bow touches the sea surface is set at 21 degrees, which is optimal for icebreaking navigation. In seas with ice up to 1.5m thick, continuous icebreaking navigation is possible at a speed of 3 knots per hour (about 5.6km/h). The acute angle of the draft bow rides up onto the ice, and the weight of the hull is used to push it aside and break the ice. High-tensile steel is used for the outer hull plate and the rear helicopter deck, which receive external pressure, and stainless clad steel, which has excellent wear resistance, is used for the hull near the waterline. Icebreaking navigation is made more efficient by incorporating anti-rolling tanks that move water to suppress rocking, and heeling tanks that tilt the hull left and right (moving oil in the tank and rocking the hull left and right to break the ice). Water sprinklers are attached radially to the bow, and there is also a mechanism to spray water to make it easier to melt the ice. In addition, an icebreaking technique called "ramming", in which the ship takes a running start and enters thick ice to break it, is used to cut through the icy seas.

written by ブー船長とスヌ
