
副業の中古ノートパソコン販売の在庫管理が難しい話 Difficult inventory management for second-hand laptop sales

Difficult inventory management for second-hand laptop sales



Since March 2020, the used laptop computer sales business has officially become a side business. Since there is no product for a week from here, it has become uncool. Inventory management is difficult.

2020年3月 Windows7サポート切れパソコンのリユースを   
2020年3月~4月 Windows7サポート切れパソコンを 
2020年5月 LINUXを断念してWndows10を導入する。

2021年5月 古物商許可書を取得して正式に副業とする。

2022年2月 87台目にして黒字化を達成

2022年3月 小規模事業者持続化補助金の採択を受ける

2022年4月 小規模事業者持続化補助金の交付を受ける

2022年4月28日 小規模事業者持続化補助金による自社サイ

2022年7月4日 自社サイトがGoogleアドセンスの申請に合

[Background to this point] March 2020  Windows 7 out of support Reuse of PC        Come up with
March-April 2020  Windows 7 out of support PC          I have a hard time installing LINUX.

May 2020   Abandon LINUX and introduce Wndows 10. May 2021   Obtained an antique dealer license and
       officially made it a side business. February 2022  Achieved profitability with the 87th unit March 2022   Adopted small business sustainability subsidy April 2022    Received a small business sustainability
        subsidy April 28, 2022  Completed launching in-house site with small
        business sustainability subsidy
July 4, 2022   Our site meets the application for Google  
        Adsense Rating

[Updated October 2024]






Inventory management for selling used laptops is a very difficult task, especially if you do it as a side job. For example, the same customer bought three units at the same time last night, which resulted in zero inventory and no products for a week. To avoid this situation, the following improvement methods can be considered.

First, it is effective to introduce an inventory management system. By using a system that can track inventory in real time, you can prevent stockouts. In addition, analyzing past sales data and forecasting demand allows for efficient purchasing. For example, measures such as purchasing more products in advance for products that are in high demand at certain times can be considered.

Next, you need to think about your sales strategy for used laptops. By adopting effective marketing methods, you can expand your sales channels and reach more customers. For example, you can increase access to your company's website by promoting using SNS and taking SEO measures. It is also important to enhance post-purchase support and warranties to increase customer satisfaction.

In addition, it is also effective to refer to the success stories of other used laptop sellers. For example, one seller has succeeded in increasing its expertise and gaining the trust of customers by specializing in specific brands and models. They have also been successful in increasing the number of repeat customers by regularly holding sales and campaigns. By analyzing such success stories and incorporating them into your own business, you can build a more effective sales strategy.

Finally, let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of selling used laptops as a side job. The appeal of selling used laptops as a side job is that it can be started at a relatively low cost and you can work at your own pace. In addition, since demand is stable, it can be said to be highly profitable. However, when doing it as a side job, there are time and resource constraints, so efficient operation is required. There are also many things to be careful about, such as inventory management and customer service. By understanding these risks and taking appropriate measures, you can aim for success as a side job.


written by 仮面サラリーマン
