
【磯崎新】たとえ矛盾しながらでも共存できるように【水戸芸術館】 [Arata Isozaki] So that even if they are inconsistent, they can coexist [Art Tower Mito]

 [Arata Isozaki] So that even if they are inconsistent, they can coexist [Art Tower Mito]

[Arata Isozaki] So that even if they are inconsistent, they can coexist [Art Tower Mito]
"Art Tower Mito" / Arata Isozaki pic.twitter.com/bwhJlVOspO
— BOT KENCHIKU Daimaru 1 (@BotKenchiku) March 9, 2019
Arata Isozaki, who won the Pritzker Architecture Prize in 2019, is the designer of Art Tower Mito. In his "Basic Philosophy for Art Museum Design," he points out that the conversion from a linear urban structure to a two-dimensional urban structure is important. When you enter the road from the main street, it is on the other side of the city. Such a city of Mito. Therefore, the city plaza was created to create a space that many people can enter from various directions, and the site is the Art Tower Mito.
The tower of Art Tower Mito. pic.twitter.com/GiILHtXMYb
— Limited Express Meiji Muraguchi (@ S1H4H5) March 14, 2019
Art Tower Mito, which plays the role of a city square.
Art Tower Mito is good! pic.twitter.com/m5qAZWpXPo
— Ken Tanahashi (@kentanahashi) March 12, 2019

What is known as the "natto tower" is the tower built in the city square.
What is Arata Isozaki's masterpiece? If you think about it, Natto Tower! #Art Tower Mito https://t.co/OvoljqesaG pic.twitter.com/I1DiMY9bzd
— Aki Kinneko (@kinnekopeacek) March 5, 2019
The tower has two roles. Being distant and being able to see. You can see it from a distance, and if you climb the tower, you can see the surroundings. "Natto Tower" is a well-defined one. Ibaraki Prefecture is probably the origin of natto's famous production area, and it contains some humorous elements, but even though it happens to be a coincidence, it looks like "natto wrapped in straw". You can also shake it. The tower is a combination of equilateral triangular titanium panels. In other words, it is a regular tetrahedron structure in which four titanium panels of the same equilateral triangle form a surface. A regular tetrahedron is a regular polyhedron with the fewest number of vertices, sides, and faces, and is therefore the most stable structure. It is exactly the regular triangular pyramid of Archimedes. The natto tower has a sense of stability even though it is shaped like a twist and dances toward the heavens. I think everyone naturally feels a sense of discomfort and stability without having to grasp the theory immediately. A feeling of strangeness and stability. An element that looks like a contradiction. Although it is a contradiction, it is symbolic that it can coexist firmly. Distant view and perspective, double helix of gene structure, triple helix with equilateral triangular titanium panel and regular tetrahedral structure. Arata Isozaki's message to Art Tower Mito may be the message, "We can coexist even though they are inconsistent." Buildings appeal by their very existence, even if they don't speak any words. We can naturally receive it from the scenery we are looking at casually. The world that coexists even though it is inconsistent is already here. At Kairakuen, the plum festival is just right.
[#Kairakuen (#Mito City)] From February 23 (Sat) to March 21 (Thu / holiday) tomorrow, "#Light Walkway" will be held ♪ It's different from daytime #fantastic Don't miss the scenery (^^) ☆ From sunset to 21:00 ☆ https://t.co/SI3jGgmsPl #Light up #Plum Festival pic.twitter.com/sMKMdzr9DJ
— Ibaraki Park (@ibaraki_tocico) February 22, 2019
note that. JR Kairakuen Temporary Station can be used on Saturdays and Sundays in March to coincide with the Plum Festival. It will also be open on the spring equinox day (March 21st).
"TRAIN SUIT #Shikishima" has arrived for the first time at "#Kairakuen Temporary Station" in the early morning of today! Many people concerned and railroad fans rushed to the station in the rain and greeted us (*'▽') The four seasons island running against the background of Kairakuen's plum grove and Senba Lake was very elegant ♪ #Plum Festival # Mito https://t.co/7TZUsi92Po pic.twitter.com/CtkW7gYavC
— Ibaraki Park (@ibaraki_tocico) March 7, 2019
Also lit up in Olympic colors!
[#Kairakuen (#Mito City) South Slope] #Tokyo 2020 #Olympic Games #500 days ago, we will be #lighting up the Olympic colors ('ω') ノ Please have a look ♬ [Period: March 12] Sunday (Tuesday) -March 21 (Thursday / holiday) Sunset-21:00] pic.twitter.com/hrXHLGazxI
— Ibaraki Park (@ibaraki_tocico) March 11, 2019
Of course, as you can see, "Natto Tower".
Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics 2020
500 days ago Tower light up

As we celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Tokyo Olympics 2020, the Art Tower Mito Tower will be lit up in the symbol color of the Olympics.
3/12 Tue 17: 00-22: 00
Venue: Art Tower Mito Square
* Free admission pic.twitter.com/FjjJqWu4c5
— Kazuko Kamoshida (@kazukokamoshida) March 11, 2019
The illuminated areas are crossed by the eyes of various people. The urban space itself is like a theater.

2019年、プリツカー賞を受賞した磯崎新さんは、水戸芸術館の設計者です。 「芸術館設計に対する基本理念」の中で、線的な都市構造から面的な都市構造への変換が重要だと指摘しています。 メインストリートから道を入ると、そこは街の裏側。 そんな水戸の街。 そこで、さまざまな方向から多くの人たちが入れる空間を整備しようと作られたのが都市広場、その敷地こそが水戸芸術館というわけです。

塔には、ふたつの役割があります。遠望されること、展望できること。遠くから眺められて、塔に登れば周囲を見渡すことができる、そんな二重の役割になります。 「納豆タワー」とは、よく形容したものです。茨城県が納豆の名産地であることが由来でしょうし、そこにはどこかユーモラスな要素が含まれているのですが、偶然的とはいえ「わらに包まれた納豆」の姿をだぶらせることもできます。 タワーは正三角形のチタンパネルの組み合わせ。すなわち、同じ正三角形のチタンパネルが4枚で面となる、正四面体の構造というわけです。 正四面体といえば、頂点・辺・面の数が最も少ない正多面体であり、ゆえに、最も安定した構造体です。それはまさしく、アルキメデスの正三角錐。 納豆タワーは、ねじれながら天に向かって舞うような造形なのに、安定感を兼ね備えています。理論を即座に把握しなくても、誰もが違和感と安定感を自然に感じ取っているのではないでしょうか。 違和感と安定感。矛盾にも見える要素。矛盾でありつつも、しっかりと共存できていることが象徴的です。 遠望と展望、遺伝子構造の二重螺旋、正三角形のチタンパネルと正四面体構造による三重螺旋。 磯崎新さんが水戸芸術館に吹き込んだのは、『矛盾しながらでも共存していける』というメッセージかもしれません。 建築物は言葉を何も語らなくても、存在そのもので訴えかけてくるわけです。なにげなく見ている景色から、自然に私たちは受け取れます。たとえ矛盾しながらでも共存している世界が、もうすでに、ここにあることを。 偕楽園では、梅まつりまっさかり。

written by 水瀬次郎
