
徒然なる日々 風露新香隠逸花  Idle Days - Wind, Dew, New Fragrance, Hidden Flowers


Idle Days - Wind, Dew, New Fragrance, Hidden Flowers


This month, I tried hanging it again. Since the beginning of the month, there have been constant reports of typhoons coming or not, and now the beginning of the month is almost over. A single-line hanging scroll is calming. Another nice thing about it is that you can read the kanji. There are many words and waka poems with the theme of the moon for autumn, but this one quietly asserts autumn. Most of the calligraphy is written in cursive style, but I like it as long as it is readable. It's rare to see a list of kanji like this anymore. I really think it's better to have it written on paper. Maybe that's why I can't get around to e-books or electronic dictionaries. They should be convenient, but the process of turning the pages by hand is

[Updated September 2024]

天正十三年 (1585) 九月七日、内大臣ついで関白に任ぜられた秀吉は、その報謝のための茶会を禁中小御所で催し、秀吉自ら茶を点てて正親町天皇に献じました。






龐老神通老作家 (龐老の神通老作家)
飢来喫飯遇茶々 (飢来たれば飯を喫し、茶に遇うては茶)
心空及第等閑看 (心空及第当閑に看れば)
風露新香隱逸花 (風露新たに香る隱逸の花)








On September 7, 1585, Hideyoshi, who had been appointed Minister of the Interior and then Kanpaku, held a tea ceremony at the Imperial Palace to express his gratitude, and prepared tea himself and presented it to Emperor Ogimachi. At this time, Rikyu was to serve as a guardian, but since only qualified people could enter the Imperial Palace, Hideyoshi petitioned and was granted the title of "Rikyu Koji" by the Imperial Court. (The title of Rikyu Koji had been given to Rikyu by the Priest Daibayashi, but it was given to him once again by the Imperial Court.) With the title of Koji, Rikyu had secured his position as the greatest tea master in the world, and the person who was most pleased about this was Priest Kokei. Kokei and Rikyu had been friends for over 30 years, and Kokei was Rikyu's teacher in Zen and Rikyu was his teacher in tea. Kokei immediately composed the following congratulatory poem and presented it to Rikyu. Sen'nan no Hosensai Soeki, 30 years old, bored of attending the tea ceremony When I was working on the tea ceremony, I was humiliated Rikyu's name was given to him as a monk, and he was so honored that he could not be happy or luxurious He wrote a verse to congratulate Rikyu Pou Lao, the divine and old writer When hunger comes, eat rice, when tea comes, have tea When the mind is empty, it is a leisurely view The wind and the dew, the new fragrance, the hidden flowers (The scent of the Hijiri flowers in the fresh dew) (Rikyu Koji is an old writer who has acquired the supernatural powers of Hou Koji. Hou Koji praises his state of mind as "supernatural powers and miraculous abilities, carrying water and carrying brushwood," but for Rikyu Koji, it is truly an excellent state of mind, as it should be "when hunger comes, eat food, when tea comes, drink tea." Also, just as Hou Koji said, "I passed the exam with my mind empty," Rikyu Koji has also passed the Buddha selection exam and has been honored with the imperial bestowal of the title of Hijiri. Nothing could be more joyful. The chrysanthemums in the garden, covered with morning dew and giving off a fragrance as they dry, felt especially fresh this morning, and it seemed that they both shared the joy.) The Hijiri flower is another name for the chrysanthemum. The chrysanthemum was named the flower of seclusion because it blooms when all other flowers are withering, and it is as if a recluse were purifying himself alone. In this way, Kokei expresses his joy at being granted the title of lay priest, and praises Rikyu's state of enlightenment and the depth of his understanding of tea. In the line "Fuuryu shinkou keinitsu hana" (The wind, the dew, the new fragrance of the flower of seclusion), he also includes the meaning that "Rikyu may have been a flower hidden from the world until now, but the time has finally come to let his fragrance spread throughout the world." By the way, the fact that Kokei mentioned Pang Pang in this congratulatory ode may have reminded him of the Chinese Pang Pang, also known as Vimalakirti, but it is also likely that he was inspired by the Chinese phrase "lay priest" (Vimalakirti), which is closely related to Pang Pang, and that Rikyu attained enlightenment through the words "suck up the water of the Western River in one sip." There are two theories about Rikyu's enlightenment. One theory is that he attained enlightenment through a poem that goes, "Even a tea ladle passing through the hot and cold hells, Without a heart, there is no suffering." However, since Kokei's congratulatory poem itself is also seen as proof of approval, isn't it more appropriate to say that he attained enlightenment through the words, "One sip of the water from the Western river"?
