
徒然なる日々 カサブランカ Idle Days: Casablanca

 Idle Days: Casablanca













I often use Casablanca when arranging flowers. It is easy to use because it is elegant and gives a sense of solid stability. The other flowers vary from time to time, but I often combine it with stock and bellflower. I arrange it to make offerings to the Buddhist altar, but it is also an indispensable flower for celebrations. I was curious about the flower's meaning, so I looked it up. "Nobility," "Purity," "Innocence," "Majesty," "Magnificent beauty," "Blessing," etc. I can see why this flower is often used for ceremonial occasions. I didn't know that Casablanca itself came in different colors, but it also comes in pink, light purple, and yellow. However, there is no doubt that "white" is preferred because of the image of the flower's name, and I have not seen many other colors. Stock and bellflower go well with it as accompanying flowers. If the stock's scent is too strong, it will clash with the other flowers, so it seems best to combine it when it is not in bloom. Lisianthus is also an easy-to-use flower, and comes in a wide variety of colors that can be matched to any season, and above all it really brings out the beauty of Casablanca lilies. Because it has no scent, you can fully enjoy combining colors. At celebratory occasions, surrounding it with colorful flowers will add a touch of luxury. Gypsophila and orange lilies are very useful. Times of mourning can be lonely, but when chrysanthemums alone are too solemn, adding Casablanca lilies, even though they are also white, can lighten the atmosphere. There's no doubt that they are lilies, so the best time to see them is from July to August when their beautiful flowers bloom. Because they are bulbs, you can also enjoy them by growing them in pots!
[Updated August 2024]


  1. 水やり: カサブランカは乾燥に弱いので、土の表面が乾いたらたっぷりと水を与えましょう。特に開花時期には水切れに注意が必要です。
  2. 肥料: 開花後、市販の固形肥料を株元に与えると良いです。これにより、次の花の成長を促進します。
  3. 花粉の除去: 花が咲き始めたら、早めに花粉を取り除くと開花を長く楽しめます。
  4. 花の摘み取り: 花が終わったらすぐに花の付け根から摘み取り、次の花の生長を妨げないようにします。
  5. 葉の管理: 葉が自然に枯れるまで日当たりの良い場所で管理し、適度な水やりを続けましょう。


Here are some ways to care for Casablanca flowers to make them last longer. Watering: Casablanca is sensitive to dryness, so when the surface of the soil dries, give it plenty of water. Be careful not to let it dry out, especially during the flowering period1. Fertilizer: After flowering, it is a good idea to apply commercially available solid fertilizer to the base of the plant. This will promote the growth of the next flower1. Pollen removal: When the flowers start to bloom, remove the pollen early to enjoy the flowering for a long time2. Picking flowers: Pick the flowers from the base as soon as they have finished blooming, so as not to interfere with the growth of the next flower1. Leaf management: Keep in a sunny place until the leaves wither naturally, and continue to water moderately2. By practicing these care methods, you can enjoy the beautiful flowers of Casablanca for a long time. 😊

written by ブー船長とスヌ
