
バベルの塔かガッレリアか Bell Tower or Galleria

Bell Tower or Galleria

Which do you like better, the tower or the corridor?

 塔と回廊。 タワーか、アーケードか。 どちらが好きかというより、どちらも好きで、そのときの気分やタイミングが重要なのかもしれません。 「東京新都庁舎コンペ1986年 磯崎新アトリエ案」をご存知ですか? 「東京新都庁舎コンペ1986年 磯崎新アトリエ案」は、 ・「バベルの塔」ではなく「ミラノのガレリア」 というイメージです。 「バベルの塔」とは、限界を超えて挑戦し続ける超高層建築の、たとえ。 「ミラノのガレリア」は、都市空間を回廊のように内部化させた象徴。ヴィットーリオ・エマヌエーレ2世のガッレリアです。 どちらが正しいかではなく、どちらも魅力的。 塔には、登りたい。 回廊は、くぐりたい。 どうしようもなく、どちらも心が魅かれてしまうのです。

Tower and corridor. Is it a tower or an arcade? I like both, rather than which one I like, and the mood and timing at that time may be more important. Do you know "Tokyo New Metropolitan Government Building Competition 1986 Arata Isozaki Atelier Plan"? The "Tokyo New Metropolitan Government Building Competition 1986 Arata Isozaki Proposal" is: -The image is not "Tower of Babel" but "Galleria in Milan". The "Tower of Babel" is a parable of a skyscraper that continues to challenge beyond its limits. "Galleria Vittorio in Milan" is a symbol that internalizes the urban space like a corridor. This is Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. Both are attractive, not which one is correct. I want to climb the tower. I want to go through the corridor. There is no help for it, and both are fascinating.

 マルテン・ファン・ファルケンボルフ 「バベルの塔」 (1595)
Marten van Falkenborg "Tower of Babel" (1595)

東京都庁コンペでは高層建築案が並ぶなか、磯崎新さんの案は異質の存在だったことでしょう。なぜなら、建物の高さが100mほどの案だったからです。 異質でありながらも、議論の俎上に載せられたと伝えられています。 東京都庁コンペでは、『師匠・丹下健三 vs 弟子・磯崎新』の師弟対決として注目を浴びていたようです。 高層建築、それも超高層建築となると、「バベルの塔」をひそかに心で想起してしまった人もいるのではないでしょうか。 新宿に東京都庁が完成してから、それなりの年月が経過しています。

Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building Competition 1986  Arata Isozaki dared to submit a low-rise plan that does not meet the conditions among all the plans below the Tange plan from the application conditions of the capital.  "City Hall should not be a skyscraper overlooking the citizens."  The Tange plan, which deviated from the condition of using the sky above the road, was adopted, but as expected, skyscrapers have spread all over the country since then pic.twitter.com/NeoMlGjSWY — Yoshiaki Miyazaki (@ysakmyzk) March 6, 2019 While high-rise building proposals were lined up at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building competition, Arata Isozaki's proposal would have been a foreign entity. Because the height of the building was about 100m. Although it is foreign, it is said that it was put on the table of discussion. At the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building competition, it seems that it was drawing attention as a master-disciple confrontation of "Master Kenzo Tange vs Arata Isozaki". When it comes to high-rise buildings, and even skyscrapers, some people may have secretly recalled the "Tower of Babel". It has been some time since the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building was completed in Shinjuku.   Marten van Falkenborg "Tower of Babel" (1595)


 そんなことを想像してみるのも、たまには悪くないと思います。 「東京新都庁舎コンペ1986年 磯崎新アトリエ案」は、アートポスターにもなっています。
コンペの敗北案でありながらも、いまなお輝きを放ち続けているレジェンドです! 【東京バベルタワー】 「東京バベルタワー」という構想もありました。 たしか、高さ1万メートル。山手線の内側すべてが敷地になるという超々高層建築物。 超々高層建築物と書いて「ハイパービルディング」と読みます。
【旧・東京都庁エピソード】 旧・東京都庁には、岡本太郎さんの作品も展示されていました。展示というよりも、都庁舎と一体化している作品でした。取り壊しと移転の現場では、「岡本太郎作品の保存を求める声」があがっていました。岡本太郎さんの伝説のひとつとしてテレビで映像が流れるのを見たことがあります。 結局、旧・東京都庁舎と一体化していた岡本太郎作品は、旧・都庁舎取り壊しとともにに消えてしまいました。
【最適解の積み重ね】 コンペのようなものは、誰の人生にもありますよね。 いくつかの選択肢。 いくつもの魅力的な案。 恋愛、受験、就職。このあとの食事メニューでさえも。

Even now, the view from the observation room is spectacular. But what if it was born in a form that was not a skyscraper?   I think it's not bad sometimes to imagine such a thing. The "Tokyo New Metropolitan Government Building Competition 1986 Arata Isozaki Atelier Proposal" is also an art poster. (*'ω' *) Eighth note like the Galleria in Milan Tokyo Shinto Government Building Competition 1986 Arata Isozaki Proposal (Arata Isozaki) [f] Poster Art Poster Frame Sale Azposta #Poster az-poster https://t.co/YfS2gh5WEG — Minasejiro (@mizumoonisland) March 17, 2019 Despite being a defeat plan for the competition, it is a legend that continues to shine! [Tokyo Tower of Babel] There was also the concept of "Tokyo Tower of Babel". Certainly, the height is 10,000 meters. A skyscraper where the entire inside of the Yamanote Line becomes the site. It is written as a skyscraper and read as "hyperbuilding".

Aiming to become an "all-weather city" with air conditioning in the 23rd ward of Tokyo Is funny fake news, Due to the unusually high land prices during the bubble period The total length is 10,000m, the site area is twice that of the Yamanote Line area, and up to 1000m is a residence with a resident population of 30 million! Total construction cost 3000 trillion yen "Tokyo Tower of Babel" You were seriously considering such a super high-rise building. pic.twitter.com/ylnF96YSAy — Pezvolante77 (@ pezvolante77) July 19, 2018 [Former Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building Episode] The work of Taro Okamoto was also exhibited at the former Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building. Rather than an exhibition, it was a work that was integrated with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building. At the site of the demolition and relocation, there was a "voice for the preservation of Taro Okamoto's work." As one of the legends of Taro Okamoto, I have seen images on TV. In the end, Taro Okamoto's work, which had been integrated with the former Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, disappeared with the demolition of the former Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building.

The mural painting by Taro Okamoto in the former Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building was also destroyed along with Kenzo Tange's building. Watching Taro sadly staring at his painting at the end on tv, I was impressed. Because it was a mural, it would cost a lot to remove it. If you have a painting, you will be subject to property tax, but isn't there any wisdom to donate it to a museum? https://t.co/8R0pYGPhja — Mika Sadahiro / Luka Kirishima (@mika_sada) April 28, 2018 [Accumulation of optimal solutions] There is something like a competition in everyone's life. Several options. A number of attractive ideas. Love, exams, employment. Even the meal menu after this.

どれが正解かというのではなく、いくつかの可能性の中から、 「選べ!」 と迫られるたびに選択するだけのこと。 その時その時の最適解が積み重なって、現在に至っているのですから。 【光と影】 東京では首都高速の地下化プランや、「日本橋に空を取り戻す」などのテーマが掲げられています。 2020年のオリンピックに向けて活発化しているのも確かですが、すでに都市空間に潜在していた問題です。 高層建築がなかったころの江戸の町は、日当たりの良い水の都だったのでしょうか。 低層住宅地ならではの、地域全体の日当たりの良さは格別です。高層建築の少ない場所ならではの快適さがあります。広々とした空間です。ビルの影に、おおわれずに済む世界。街路樹は、ずっと陽射しを浴びています。 でもほら、遠くに見えている塔に、また登りたくなっているのですよ。快適な場所にいながら遠くを眺めては、あの塔に登りたくなってくるわけです。 あの高さに足を震えさせるのに、こわいのに、登りたい。陽射しの暖かさが感じられない場所を歩いて塔に近づいていきます。 塔の展望室では、真冬でもガラス越しに熱い陽射しを感じられます。 塔からの眺めは、文句なしに魅力的。 塔に登りたい気持ちと、地上で陽射しに包まれる心地良さ。相反するものを共存させながら今日も。
It's not about which one is the correct answer, but just select from several possibilities each time you are asked to "choose!". At that time, the optimal solutions at that time were piled up, and it has reached the present. [Light and Shadow] In Tokyo, themes such as the Metropolitan Expressway underground plan and "Regaining the sky to Nihonbashi" are listed. It is certain that it is becoming more active toward the 2020 Olympics, but it is a problem that has already been latent in urban space. Was the town of Edo a city of sunny water when there were no high-rise buildings? The sunnyness of the entire area, which is unique to low-rise residential areas, is exceptional. There is comfort unique to places with few high-rise buildings. It is a spacious space. A world that does not have to be covered by the shadow of a building. Roadside trees have been in the sun all the time.But you see, I want to climb the tower that I can see in the distance again. If you look into the distance while staying in a comfortable place, you will want to climb that tower. I'm scared to make my legs tremble at that height, but I want to climb. Walk closer to the tower in a place where you can't feel the warmth of the sun. In the observation room of the tower, you can feel the hot sunlight through the glass even in the middle of winter. The view from the tower is unquestionably fascinating. The feeling of wanting to climb the tower and the comfort of being surrounded by the sun on the ground. Even today, while coexisting conflicting things.

written by 水瀬次郎


ただいま実践中!借金260万円を引き寄せの法則で返す方法 Now in practice! How to return a debt of 2.6 million yen by the law of appeal

Now in practice! How to return a debt of 2.6 million yen by the law of appeal 


● Episode 1 nice to meet you. Do you know the law of appeal?

I know! But I've never been drawn! I think most people say that. The law is that money, travel, lovers, whatever they want is attracted.




<My situation>

I am a salaryman in his late 40s living in the suburbs of Tokyo. When I think about it, it's hard to say that I have money or luck.

After graduating from a science university, I worked for a major manufacturer. It was a difficult time to get a job after the burst of the bubble economy, so it may have been up to this point.

Two years after I got a job, I bought Toyota's 4WD (the car name is hidden), which was popular at the time, with a 5-year loan. Immediately after that, he was scammed by a travel member (★) and was deceived by 2.8 million yen, and fell asleep (high pride and could not consult with anyone). Two years later, when the car loan was about to end in another year, the car was stolen by a four-wheel drive thief (even though I filed a damage report, I couldn't find it).



★ What is travel committee fraud?

A scam that was popular among new members of society between 1992 and the first half of 2000. I asked him if he was interested in a cheap trip (airplane fare is always 1/3, etc.) by phone and invited him to come to the information session. The briefing session is held in a private room and is under house arrest for nearly 4 hours, and it is customary for the staff to replace young women with men like yakuza. He threatens not to return until he becomes a member, is forced to become a member, and is forced to sign a diamond contract at a high price instead of a membership fee. In most cases, the value of diamonds, which should have exceeded 2 million when taken to a pawn shop, is assessed as 30,000 yen. By the time I noticed, the member club had disappeared, and most of them fell asleep.

Return the story. I don't gamble, smoke, or drink. However, when the company's salary was reduced due to this recession, the credit payment was revolving with the intention of making a temporary stop. The repayment has increased like a snowball.

The aim of this article is to deliver the process of repayment according to the law of the attraction committee in the actual situation. Even if you hear the story of a successful person later, it won't come to your mind.

Now I will talk about the process of my story with debt.

Oh, it seems that it is necessary to declare it in the perfect form according to the law of the attraction committee. So I will declare it.

I will pay off my debt of 2.6 million yen by December 2019 and aim for 500,000 yen / month as a side business other than monthly income!

Next time, I would like to write about how to try pulling!

written by サラリーマン桃太郎


前へ Forward


Live freely like a feather. Active in the world. When I was young, I was searching for such an idea and lived, and I thought I could do it. She was irreverently cheeky and energetic. How is it now? Whether you take action or talk, it's a habit to put a brake on yourself by thinking about and caring about common sense and the feelings of those around you. I don't even realize that it's taken for granted.


Isn't it a mundane existence that makes you feel at ease by doing the same things as people?
That is not the original way of life for creators.
Creation does not require the consent of others.
Not late yet.
Inhale the air of freedom to your heart's content and take it one step further.
Climb the mountain in front of you.

believe in yourself.


written by bluemharry
