
徒然の日々 樹も好きだけど、構造物も好き Days of vain I like trees, but I also like structures

Days of vain I like trees, but I also like structures

It is the sunset from Seto Ohashi. It was around the winter solstice and it was very beautiful.
This is a picture taken from the window seat where you can see the sunset in the direction of travel.

I was riding the Anpanman.
It was a route that made several round trips a day, but it happened to hit that time zone. The ceiling inside was full of Anpanman.
I like bridges. I think it's a building, but it's a structure.


I especially love this Setoo Bridge.
I don't know why.
When I traveled alone, it was under construction.
There are a lot of crane cars, and it's under construction ...
It was around the time when it was a little talked about building a two-story bridge for trains and cars.
Is it a ferry during construction? I got on the train and landed in Shikoku for the first time.
I remember that the sashimi set meal at an ordinary set meal shop was very delicious.
For some reason, Seto Ohashi has a feeling of excitement in me.

Next time, I would like to look up at Setoo Bridge from below.Yeah, it's from the sea! !!

* Where is the bridge ① 😎

Same as Kachidoki Bridge in Tsukiji, Tokyo,
It used to be a bridge that jumps up from the center when a ship passes by.
There was a Japanese National Railways station nearby, but it was discontinued in 1987. The station building remains.
Currently, the caretaker will fry it for sightseeing.
It seems that the time is fixed, but it seems that there is no time,
If there are some people, it will be fried even after hours.

* Where is the bridge ② 😎

It was a place where you shouldn't actually park.
It seems to be a spot with a beautiful view.
A local taxi driver
He took a picture! !!

* Where is the bridge ③😎

It's almost nightfall.
The bus didn't come easily ...
I felt lonely at the bus stop, so I walked to the station.

* Which bridge is it? ④😎

It's a famous bridge.
Even if you haven't actually been there, you've probably heard of it. I can't say anything about this stone structure.

* Where is the bridge? ⑤😎

I took a walk along the river while watching the cherry blossoms.
The temperature was warm and it was a nice day to see the cherry blossoms.

Discover an unexpected cherry blossom spot! !!
It was a time to rediscover the cityscape I didn't know about.
The other day I had the opportunity to find out about the tea ceremony school.
There are many things I knew but didn't know
It was very surprising and fresh.
I bought a new book that I had borrowed.
It is not a school book, but a book that objectively looks at the tea ceremony.
Please read it if you like.

「もっと詳しく学ぶ 茶の湯入門」  世界文化社編

Even if you don't know the tea ceremony, there are many places that you may be interested in.

written by ブー船長とスヌ


牛久シャトー Ushiku Chateau

Ushiku Chateau

















When I got off at Ushiku Station on the JR Joban Line, I noticed the notation "Chatero". It is "Shatoguchi". The nickname of the east exit of the station is "Chateau Guchi", so "Chateau Exit" It's about a 10-minute walk from the east exit of Ushiku station, because there is a "chateau". It is now called "Ushiku Chateau". When I first saw it, it was "Chateau Kamiya". I've heard it under the nickname "Chateau" since I was a child, so I didn't know the official name until I became an adult. It is a place that continues to be loved by the locals. As the name of the chateau shows, there is an atmosphere of a Western-style castle. Beautiful Western-style building. In the past, minecarts ran, and it seems that harvested grapes and finished wine were carried. The premises of the chateau were once busy, and shops and restaurants were always open. I feel like there was also a cafe. There was also a bakery. At last, I never entered that bakery. I feel like I walked through the large garden of the chateau and had some food from the stalls. I feel like it was the opening of a restaurant in the chateau. After that, it broke at 311 and was covered in white for a long time for restoration, but finally the restoration work was completed and it became the appearance of the main building of the chateau that feels more colorful than before.

The other day, I stopped by Ushiku Chateau on my way home from golf and had a cherry blossom viewing for a while 🌸 It is Japan's first full-scale winery and is now partly designated as an important cultural property. The founder, Kamiya Denbei, seems to be the person who opened the predecessor of Asakusa Kamiya Bar. pic.twitter.com/YOynRl669m — Joji Nakata (@ joujinakata123) April 12, 2017













At the end of 2018, restaurants and shops will be closed. The Sakura Festival was held at the end of March and the weekend of March 2019. I used to take a walk home casually, so I didn't know much about it, but it seems that there are 200 Yoshino cherry trees. It's about to be in full bloom. The cherry blossom season, the cicada summer, the autumn leaves, and the Christmas season. While remembering that, "Finally the announcement of a new era" I am thinking about the new year. There were many things, right? There will be many things in the future, But I'm sure it's okay. fine. First of all, let's fully enjoy the day today.

written by 水瀬次郎


ギリシャ神話~星座編~③ Gemini 双子座  Greek Mythology-Constellation-③ Gemini Gemini

Greek Mythology-Constellation-③ Gemini Gemini


Greek mythology is said to be based on a story that was handed down in Greece from 1600 to 1100 BC. Like Kojiki, all myths are based on various folk tales and legends that have been oral traditions since the days when there were no letters. Among the many myths that exist, why did Greek mythology spread around the world, especially in Europe and the United States? One of the major reasons is that the Romans took it in during the Roman Empire and created literature that was fused with Roman mythology, but more than that, it is thought that the content of Greek mythology was a transformation story. A fantastic dream idea of ​​being able to transform and change into familiar flowers, trees and animals. In particular, God's intention to transform into a constellation that shines in the night sky may help us to understand the longing that humans have had for the stars since ancient times.

What is the story about Gemini (Gemini) ...?

Gemini is said to be the constellation of people born between May 21st and June 20th in fortune-telling, but this is the constellation of winter. In early winter, it will rise to the eastern sky after a while after dark. Two stars that shine exceptionally brightly, the one above is the twin brother Castor, and the one shining close to the bottom is the younger brother Pollux. A beautiful but sad story is hidden in this Gemini. What kind of story is it?

Castor and Pollux

Castor and Pollux were twin brothers born to Zeus and Queen Leda of Sparta. One day, blinded by the beauty of Leda, Zeus steals the eyes of her wife, Hera, and transforms into a swan, sneaking into her room. Again, Zeus tricks Leda, doesn't he? And she lays two eggs. From one of them, the twins of a girl (later Helen of Troy and the wife of Agamemnon, Klutemmestra) were born, and from the other egg, twins of a boy were born. This is Castor and Pollux.

Both of these brothers were very brave, and they always went out on various battlefields together to make a big difference. He also participated in ancient Olympia competitions, won the championship and wanted fame, and became revered as a hero in Greece.

However, one day, a quarrel occurs between the twins Lynceus and Edas, who are also cousins, and Castor and Pollux will play against them. Lynceus and Edas are famous for their bad personalities. Again, he tried to trick Castor and Pollux by using intrigue. To make matters worse, Edas threw his spear in an attempt to escape the onslaught of Castor and Pollux, who realized they had been fooled. The spear growls and flies, piercing Castor's chest.

Furious Pollux defeated Lynceus with a single blow, but Edas escaped. Seeing this from the heavenly world, Zeus finds out that his son has been killed and throws lightning on Edas and takes his life.

Pollux, who lost his beloved brother, tries to die on the spot, but for some reason he cannot. Yes, Pollux took over Zeus's immortality. With the body of his brother Castor in his chest, Pollux weepingly pleads with his father Zeus, who is trying to bring Castor to heaven.
"Dad, take me to the land of death with me. Castor was always with me. How can only I survive?"

Zeus, who was deeply moved by the words of Pollux, turned them into stars and raised them to heaven so that Castor and Pollux could always be together. This is Gemini.

Castor and Pollux were praised not only in Greece but also in Rome later, and were especially worshiped as guardian deities of voyages.

What are Castor and Pollux talking about in Gemini today?

written by Kazusa
