
国勢調査はネット回答が楽でスムーズ 2020  Online response to the census is easy and smooth 2020

Online response to the census is easy and smooth 2020                                                                  

前回もネットでした。その前も、かな? とてもわかりやすくてスムーズに作業できるので、他の公共サービスなどもネットで簡単にできるようになればいいなと思いますが、もうすでになっているのかな。セキュリティ対策はどうでしょう。年末に向けて、いろいろと記入する書類や書面が登場する時期です。あせらずいきます、ぼちぼちと。

I completed the census online. It was quick and easy. It was online last time too. And maybe the time before that too? It was very easy to understand and the process went smoothly, so I hope that other public services will also be easily available online, but I wonder if that's already the case. I wonder what the security measures are. As we approach the end of the year, it's the time of year when various documents and papers will appear to be filled out. I'm not rushing, I'm going to take it easy. Anyway, October has just begun. Today I'm going to work on what I can do today. Slowly though.

[Updated October 2024]














The evolution of the census from a 2024 perspective

As of 2024, online census responses have further evolved. The new system has a more intuitive and user-friendly design, significantly shortening response times. Security measures have also been strengthened to further ensure the protection of personal information.

In addition, other public services have also been made online, and many procedures, such as obtaining a resident registration card and filing taxes, can now be easily performed from home. This saves time and effort, which is very convenient for busy modern people.

Expectations for the future

It is expected that technological advances will continue to further advance the onlineization of public services. In particular, the introduction of AI and blockchain technology will enable safer and more efficient service provision. We look forward to our lives becoming more and more convenient.

The spread of online responses and their impact

The spread of online census responses has significantly reduced the environmental burden compared to paper-based surveys. Paper usage has decreased, and printing and mailing costs have also been reduced. This has also contributed to cost reductions across the country.

In addition, the spread of online responses has made it possible to quickly compile and analyze data. This allows for real-time data collection, which is useful for policymaking and improving government services. This allows for more accurate and timely information to be provided, allowing for a quicker response to the needs of the public.

Eliminating the digital divide

On the other hand, with the spread of online responses, the problem of the digital divide has also emerged. Online responses can still be difficult for elderly people and residents in areas with poor internet access. In response to this, the government is taking measures to eliminate the digital divide. For example, support is being provided at local public facilities and dedicated help desks are being set up.

Future outlook

In the future, online responses to the census will continue to evolve and become easier for more people to use. In particular, with the spread of smartphones and tablet devices, an environment is being created where people can respond anytime, anywhere. This is expected to improve the accuracy of the census and collect more accurate data.

As technology advances, our lives will become more and more convenient and efficient. The evolution of the census is just one example, but many public services will continue to be digitized and support our lives.

written by 水瀬次郎


火星が再接近!次は2033年  Mars will approach again! Next time in 2033

 Mars will approach again! Next time in 2033








Mars is approaching Earth! The next close approach was on October 6, 2020. It is said that it will be seen on the same scale as this time in 2033. I think it was when there was a full moon, or around that time. Besides the moon, there was another star that stood out and shone brightly. One of them was Mars. Probably. That must have been Mars. It had a strong presence.

[Updated October 2024]







As of 2024, Mars exploration has made great progress. Space agencies around the world, including NASA and ESA (European Space Agency), are conducting Mars exploration missions, and detailed data and images of the Martian surface are being sent one after another. In particular, NASA's Perseverance Rover, launched in 2021, is carrying out an important mission to search for traces of ancient life on Mars.

Private companies are also actively entering Mars exploration. Elon Musk of SpaceX is aiming to send a manned flight to Mars, and the first test flight is scheduled for 2024. This has led to increasing interest in Mars.

In addition, in conjunction with the approach of Mars, observation events are being held in various places by astronomers and amateur astronomers. In particular, when Mars approached in 2024, observation events were held all over the country, and many people enjoyed the beautiful sight of Mars. Special exhibitions and lectures on Mars were held at observatories and science museums, providing opportunities to deepen knowledge about Mars.

In addition, as Mars approaches, many books and documentaries about Mars are being published and broadcast. This has deepened understanding of Mars and increased interest among the general public. In particular, books that provide detailed explanations of Mars' topography, climate, and exploration history have become bestsellers.

In addition, to commemorate the approach of Mars, Mars-themed events and campaigns are being held in various places. For example, restaurants and cafes that serve Mars-themed food and drinks have appeared, and many people are enjoying the charm of Mars. Mars-related goods and souvenirs are also gaining popularity.

Thus, from the perspective of 2024, the approach of Mars is not just an astronomical phenomenon, but is also attracting great attention as a scientific and technological advancement and cultural event. I can't wait for the next Mars approach.

written by 水瀬次郎