
金木犀の香りがする 早い The scent of golden osmanthus is coming soon

The scent of golden osmanthus is coming soon


I felt like it was earlier than usual when I smelled the golden osmanthus during a walk. The famous meaning of the golden osmanthus flower is "humility" and "noble person". It seems strange to hear "humble and noble", but when you hear the reasoning behind the distinction between "humble" and "noble person", it makes sense. The reason for the origin of "humility" is that "the fragrance spreads strongly, but the flowers are small and modest". The origin of "noble person" is said to be that "if it rains, it will fall (noble)". It's true that when it rains, the flowers fall all at once. When I smell the scent of golden osmanthus, I always realize that it's autumn. This year, the lingering heat has returned, but the atmosphere feels more autumnal. It reminded me of a band called Kinmokusei. It feels like just the other day that I heard the song "Futari no Akaboshi" playing at a convenience store late at night.


[Updated September 2024]
































The pleasant, soft scent of osmanthus reaches far and wide. In fact, the scent of osmanthus contains aromatic compounds that can be expected to have various effects and benefits. In other words, in addition to its impressive scent, osmanthus has many interesting functions, which is why there is a wide range of products such as perfumes and foods. In this article, we would like to make various suggestions about the scent of osmanthus, such as the secret of the ingredients of osmanthus, scents similar to osmanthus, perfumes that have a scent that reaches far and wide and how to make that scent, foods that use the scent of osmanthus, and how to live with the scent of osmanthus. Osmanthus is a plant of the Oleaceae family, native to southern China. Its leaves are long and wavy, and in the fall it produces many orange flowers that are known for their wonderful scent that reaches far and wide. After the flowers die, it produces small fruits like wolfberries in winter. However, when the golden osmanthus was introduced from China to Japan, only male plants were brought, so the fruit of the golden osmanthus cannot be seen in Japan, and can only be seen in China, where it originates. Make sure that you cannot see the fruit of the golden osmanthus in Japan. The golden osmanthus originates from China. It was introduced to Japan during the Edo period and spread throughout the country. In China, it is sometimes called keika, but its official name is dangui. When growing it in a pot, it is said to be best to place it in a large pot in partial shade. Garden trees also grow well in partial shade, so we recommend pruning it heavily once every 2 to 3 years after the flowers have finished blooming. The golden osmanthus flowers bloom in the fall. Generally, they begin to bloom in mid-September, and gradually drop their flowers from late October to November. However, once osmanthus flowers bloom, they die within a week, so the lifespan of a single flower is very short, and the reason why the pleasant scent can reach far is because many flowers bloom. In autumn, when the scent of osmanthus reaches all over Japan, tweets of the pleasant smell are posted from all over the country. However, osmanthus does not grow in cold regions such as Hokkaido and Tohoku. This is because osmanthus is weak to the cold. On the other hand, in Okinawa in the south, the scent of osmanthus can be heard, although the timing may differ slightly from the main island. This means that some people are unaware of the pleasant scent of osmanthus that reaches from far away in autumn. Osmanthus is characterized by its pleasant smell that can reach far away. It is said that the main component of the scent of osmanthus is volatile monoterpenes. According to a researcher's analysis, osmanthus contains components such as gamma decalactone, linalool, linalool oxide, beta ionone, and alpha ionone, and it is believed that the fragrant component of sweet osmanthus is gamma decalactone. When you approach a fragrant osmanthus flower, you will notice a strong, pleasant smell that can reach far away. In general, the fragrant components of flowers are produced in the petals, and when the flower blooms, they are synthesized and the scent evaporates. One of the fragrant components of osmanthus is gamma decalactone, which is the sweet fragrant component of peaches and is also found in berries and dairy products. This component is not liked by many insects, but the only one that does like it is the narrow-headed fly, a type of fly. For this reason, efficient pollination by flies allows the osmanthus flowers, which have a short flowering period, to continue blooming and their fragrant components to reach far away. Aromas are the fragrant components found in natural plants, and various research is being conducted into the changes that these pleasant smells cause in the brain and nerves. In particular, although there is no clear scientific evidence that aroma components have an effect on the autonomic nervous system through the sense of smell, this possibility cannot be doubted. In other words, there is a high probability that aromas, that is, pleasant smells, can stimulate the central nervous system and have a relaxing effect. The most promising effect and efficacy caused by the aroma of osmanthus is the relaxing effect. In fact, a relaxing effect has been confirmed in studies on lavender and coffee. However, no clear research has been conducted on the scent of osmanthus. Nevertheless, everyone has experienced the sensation of suddenly feeling lighter and relieved from tension when they come into contact with a pleasant smell or a favorite fragrant component. The secret to the effects and efficacy of osmanthus is that the pleasant smell of osmanthus has some effect on the brain and opens the mind. A similar effect to the relaxing effect is its sedative effect. This is the effect and efficacy of calming excessive activity of the nervous system, which means nothing more than calming mental states such as anxiety, tension, and irritability. Many studies have shown that aromatic components, not just osmanthus, have the effect of causing some changes in the brain and nervous system, but the sedative effect can be said to be an effect similar to the relaxing effect on the mind. The aromatic components of osmanthus contain linalool, which is an ingredient that can be expected to have a sedative and anti-anxiety effect. Therefore, in addition to the sedative effect, you can also expect anti-anxiety effects and blood pressure lowering effects. These effects can also be expected to have effects such as a sound sleep effect and antibacterial effects. However, people with low blood pressure should be careful, so you need to be careful about the secrets of the effects and efficacy. Not only the scent of osmanthus, but the pharmacological effects of the aromatic components of aromatherapy can alleviate a variety of mental and physical symptoms. The pleasant smell of aromatic components stimulates the sense of smell and is transmitted to the brain, from the brain to emotions and the autonomic nervous system, relieving a variety of symptoms. Because osmanthus contains components such as linalool, you can expect a relaxing effect and related benefits, so it is very likely that it will also work against pain, and this is the secret to osmanthus' effectiveness.

written by 水瀬次郎


徒然なる日々 秋の花粉症対策 目を洗ってみる! Idle Days: Countermeasures for autumn hay fever: Try washing your eyes!

Idle Days: Countermeasures for autumn hay fever: Try washing your eyes!




Maybe because I left the air conditioner on for a long time, I was worried about my eyes being itchy. It's the time of year when autumn pollen is flying around. I don't usually wear contact lenses, so I didn't think about washing my eyes, but I was worried about the dust from the air conditioner, so I started washing my eyes about once a day. It worked for me!! I've reduced the number of times I use eye drops. Water would be fine, but it's hard to wash directly from the tap, so I use a cleaning solution like Eyebon. It's said that viruses can enter through the eyes, so I try to do this along with washing my hands and gargling. You can't see the dirt in the air, so it might be a good idea to be careful♪ Actually, it's a good idea to clean the air conditioner filter frequently~ After spending a long time in a crowded space, it's a good idea to wash your eyes♪ I don't know if it will help prevent viruses, but I think I may have forgotten to take care of my eyes.

[Updated September 2024]

春のスギやヒノキの花粉症が有名ですが、秋にも私たちの日常を脅かすアレルゲン、すなわち花粉が存在します。 その主な犯人は、都市の空き地や郊外に生息する雑草たちです。 ブタクサやヨモギといったキク科の植物や、カナムグラやカモガヤといった他の雑草たちが9月、10月、11月にかけての開花期に花粉を放出し、花粉症の原因となります。 中でもブタクサとヨモギは、日本全国で見かけるキク科の植物です。ブタクサは8月から10月にかけて黄色い花を、ヨモギは紫褐色の花を咲かせます。主に道端や公園、河川敷など、私たちの生活圏内に広く分布しています。 ブタクサやヨモギは、スギやヒノキよりも背が低いため、花粉の飛散距離は数十から数百メートル程度と限られています。このため、広範囲に花粉が飛散することは少なく、草原や川辺、土手など、ブタクサやヨモギの生えている場所・生えていそうな場所を避けることが最も効果的な対策となります。 さらに、外出時のマスクやメガネの着用も花粉症の症状を和らげるための有効な手段です。 しかし、ブタクサやヨモギの花粉粒子は小さいため、一般的な花粉用マスクではフィルタリングできない可能性があります。症状が強い場合は、PM2.5やウイルス対応のマスクを選択することで、より高い防護効果を得ることができます。 また、家の中に花粉を持ち込まないように、髪の毛や衣服をはたいてから家に入ることもおすすめです。洋服のブラシを使用するともっと効果的です。

Spring hay fever caused by cedar and cypress trees is well known, but there is also an allergen that threatens our daily lives in the fall, namely pollen. The main culprits are weeds that grow in vacant lots and suburban areas of cities. Plants of the Asteraceae family, such as ragweed and mugwort, and other weeds, such as Chinese knotweed and orchardgrass, release pollen during their flowering season in September, October, and November, causing hay fever. Of these, ragweed and mugwort are Asteraceae plants that can be found all over Japan. Ragweed blooms yellow flowers from August to October, while mugwort blooms purple-brown flowers. They are widely distributed in our living areas, mainly on roadsides, in parks, and on riverbanks. Ragweed and mugwort are shorter than cedar and cypress, so the distance that their pollen disperses is limited to a few dozen to a few hundred meters. For this reason, pollen rarely scatters over a wide area, so the most effective measure is to avoid places where ragweed or mugwort grows or are likely to grow, such as grasslands, riversides, and banks. In addition, wearing a mask and glasses when going out is also an effective way to relieve hay fever symptoms. However, because ragweed and mugwort pollen particles are small, they may not be filtered by a general pollen mask. If your symptoms are severe, you can get a higher level of protection by choosing a mask that is PM2.5 or virus-resistant. It is also recommended to brush your hair and clothes before entering the house to avoid bringing pollen into the house. Using a clothes brush is even more effective.

written by ブー船長とスヌ
