
M&Aで「成功」と「幸せ」を実現させる本を読みました。 I read a book that realizes "success" and "happiness" through M & A.

Achieving "success" and "happiness" through M & A





第1章 M&A「成功」と「幸せ」の条件 「売りたい」企業は、こうすれば成功する!

  • なぜ、譲渡企業が急増しているのか?

  • (1)後継者不在〜後継者がいない・継げない・継がせたくない〜 
  • (2)先行き不安〜将来への不安のタネは、あり過ぎるくらいある〜
  • 後継者不在の場合のシナリオ
  • (1)「番頭に継がせる」選択はリスキー!? 
  • (2)清算したくても清算できない
  • どうしたら、成功裏に譲渡できるか?成功する秘訣は「タイミング」と「志」だ
  • (1)タイミング(業績・業界・健康)が成否を決める 
  • (2)「何のために譲渡をするのか」の志(理念)を持つ

第2章 M&A「成功」と「幸せ」の条件 「買いたい」企業が大成功する鉄則とは?
  • 買手企業の成長戦略とは?
  • (1)市場規模拡大の他地区への進出 
  • (2)相乗効果を最大にする川上/川下戦略 
  • (3)仕事の幅が広がる隣接業種への展開 
  • (4)2代目社長の第2創業 
  • (5)M&Aで業界再編を狙う
  • 買手企業の成功の秘訣
  • (1)「会社」の買い方 
  • (2)仕掛け型と譲渡企業紹介型の違い 
  • (3)要求される経営者の器 
  • (4)アドバイザーの資質と選択

第3章 勝ち残るにはM&Aがベスト戦略 単独では勝ち組には入れない
  • 合従連衡…持ち株会社/合併
  • 生き残りをかけた業界再編
  • 合従連衡を成功させるコツ
  • (1)経営戦略を明確にする(大義が必要) 
  • (2)合併比率から入らない 
  • (3)役員構成などの調整 
  • (4)ビジネスビジョンの策定 
  • (5)文化の融合
  • 欠点を買収し企業再生を成功させる
  • 第4章 M&A成功手順とワン・ポイント・アドバイス
  • 譲渡企業のはじめの一歩
  • 譲渡企業の案件化
  • 企業実態の把握3つのアプローチ
  • (1)企業情報資料の収集 
  • (2)定量分析 
  • (3)定性分析
  • 買い手企業 検討の初期段階
  • 人生観まで確認する企業間お見合い
  • 本格始動する基本合意契約
  • 細かい気配りが必要な買収監査
  • 退職金まで考える株価の決定
  • 「引退の美学」を踏まえた処遇の決定
  • 「契約書」と「エスクロー」でリスク回避
  • タイミングがものをいう「ディスクローズ」

I read "What is necessary for a company to be reborn".
This book was distributed at a seminar hosted by the Japan M & A Center.

What impressed me
・ Decision of treatment based on "retirement aesthetics"
・ "Evaluation of goodwill by the annual purchase method" at the end of the book
The idea of ​​was helpful.

table of contents
Chapter 1 M & A Conditions for "Success" and "Happiness" Companies that "want to sell" will succeed in this way!

Why is the number of transfer companies soaring?

(1) Absence of successor-No successor / Cannot succeed / I do not want to succeed-
(2) Anxiety about the future-There are too many sources of anxiety about the future-
Scenario in the absence of a successor
(1) The choice of "passing on to the head" is risky !?
(2) I want to settle, but I can't.
How can I successfully transfer it? The secret to success is "timing" and "will"
(1) Timing (performance, industry, health) determines success or failure
(2) Have the aspiration (philosophy) of "what is the transfer for?"

Chapter 2 M & A Conditions for "Success" and "Happiness" What is the ironclad rule for a company that "wants to buy" to be very successful?
What is the growth strategy of the buyer company?
(1) Expansion of market scale into other areas
(2) Upstream / downstream strategy to maximize synergies
(3) Expansion to neighboring industries where the range of work expands
(4) Second founding of the second president
(5) Aim to reorganize the industry through M & A
The secret to the success of the buyer company
(1) How to buy a "company"
(2) Difference between the gimmick type and the transfer company introduction type
(3) Required manager's vessel
(4) Advisor qualifications and selection

Chapter 3 M & A is the best strategy to survive.
Consolidation ... Holding company / merger
Industry restructuring for survival
Tips for successful merger and consolidation
(1) Clarify management strategy (need a cause)
(2) Not included in the merger ratio
(3) Adjustment of officer composition, etc.
(4) Formulation of business vision
(5) Fusion of culture
Acquire shortcomings and succeed in corporate revitalization
Chapter 4 M & A Success Procedures and One Point Advice
The first step of the transfer company
Making a transfer company a project
Understanding the actual situation of the company Three approaches
(1) Collection of corporate information materials
(2) Quantitative analysis
(3) Qualitative analysis
Initial stage of consideration of buyer company
Matchmaking between companies to check the outlook on life
Basic agreement to start in earnest
Acquisition audits that require careful attention
Determination of stock price considering retirement allowance
Decision of treatment based on "retirement aesthetics"
Risk avoidance with "contract" and "escrow"
"Discrose" where timing is important

written by 仮面サラリーマン


「ラベンダーの中で」崎谷健次郎が歌う海のような青空  "In the lavender" Kenjiro Sakiya sings a blue sky like the sea

"In the lavender" Kenjiro Sakiya sings a blue sky like the sea

from album Realism
"In the lavender"
Kenjiro Sakiya
from album Realism






It is included in the second album "Realism".
Kenjiro Sakiya's "In the Lavender"
The fine rhythm that makes your heart beat a little faster is comfortable.

When I listen to this song, I think of the sky over the building.
I often listen to it at night, so it's more of an imaginary world than a realistic view.
At that time, I didn't really understand what kind of flower lavender was. perhaps.
Nowadays, many people grow it in the garden or on the balcony. Maybe at that time as well.
In fact, going to the lavender fields is pretty spectacular. Many years after I knew this song, I remember recognizing "Is this lavender?" For the first time.
It's ambiguous whether I knew it or I had seen it just because I couldn't recognize it.

Riding on the wind, it has a nice scent. I have a strong image of that, and I feel that it was a summer but cloudy sky.
I wish I could listen while driving in the blue sky.
A melody with a calming tone. A bleeding world of sweetness.
But this song. When I listen to it, I sometimes feel lonely for some reason.
The scent of lavender makes me look happy, but why?
It's like a potted plant left on the windowsill of a tower apartment without any support.
It's likely to fall in a strong wind. It doesn't fall. But it's dangerous. I'm going to speak out.
I always listened to it at night, so I wonder if it reflected my imagination, delusions, and loneliness.

It's still midnight. It just happens. But it's night again.
I should have had time to listen in the daytime, but for some reason the second album has an image of the night.
Even though it's a world full of sunshine, it's a blue sky that penetrates, and it's summer afternoon.
Surrounded by skyscrapers, it's like walking in the dark shadows in the daytime when the weather is nice. If you look up, it's a blue sky. A feeling of chilly air.

Between early summer and midsummer, like the rainy season, it's cool or cold at a delicate sensible temperature.

This is Sakiya sound just before the house prepared in NY is fully opened.

written by 水瀬次郎
