
落語を見に行きました I went to see Rakugo

I went to see Rakugo


There was a Rakugo event at the town's Civic Hall. The subject matter was enjoyable even for Rakugo beginners, and the price was reasonable at 1,000 yen, so I was satisfied. It made me want to try going to a proper yose.


[Updated September 2024]

最近は若者を中心に落語ブームになっています。落語を聞く20~30代の若者が増えている。デジタル世代を魅了する、古典芸能の落語。その魅力を知る。あなたは落語を聞いたことがあるだろうか。落語って、大喜利のことでしょ? と勘違いしている人はいないだろうか。そもそも落語とは、「落とし噺(ばなし)」とも呼ばれる「オチ」が付くのが特徴の古典芸能だ。落語家が一人何役も演じながら、身振りと手振りのみで噺(はなし)を進め、聞き手は自身の想像力でその世界を膨らませていく。







Recently, there has been a boom in rakugo, especially among young people. More and more young people in their 20s and 30s are listening to rakugo. Rakugo, a classical art form, fascinates the digital generation. Learn about its charms. Have you ever heard of rakugo? Isn't rakugo the same as Ogiri? Are there people who mistakenly think that? Rakugo is a classical art form characterized by the addition of a punch line, also known as a "rakugo story." A rakugo performer plays multiple roles and advances the story using only body and hand gestures, while the listener expands the world of the story using their own imagination. Looking from the side, it looks like a person in a kimono is just talking on a cushion, but to the audience listening intently, the characters come to mind clearly, creating a sense of realism that makes it seem as if they can hear the people's breathing. The story progresses with the characters' joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness mixed in, and the story ends with a punch line. At that moment, the audience is pulled back into the real world and realizes that they have been completely immersed in the world of the story. They may get tired of laughing, or even laugh so hard that their stomach muscles hurt. In an age where information overload has long been a concern, there is a space here where you can forget about your ties and simply lose yourself in laughter. Rakugo is becoming popular among young people. The spark that started it all is said to be "Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju." The anime based on the manga was a huge hit. Shinjuku Suehirotei, the vaudeville hall modeled after the original story, was even reported in the news for being crowded with young people. The boom is also being fuelled by the increasing number of places where you can listen to rakugo. In addition to regular vaudeville halls (where rakugo performances are held almost every day), there are rakugo performances for beginners such as "Shibuya Rakugo," and "Rakugo Cafes" where you can have tea or a meal while listening to rakugo. In the Tokyo metropolitan area, more than 1,000 rakugo performances are held per month (according to the vaudeville information magazine "Tokyo Kawaraban"). Admission to small yose theaters can be as low as 1,000 yen, making it easy for young people to invite their friends. However, if you feel that going to a yose theater is too much of a hurdle, you could try listening to it on a podcast or YouTube. If you have the time, you could also check out a library, as most libraries have rakugo CDs. If you listen to it once and like it, try going to a yose theater. You'll probably get hooked. In these days when social media fatigue is being pointed out, why not take a look at the world of rakugo, where the digital generation seeks healing, and immerse yourself in a world of laughter for a moment?

written by 仮面サラリーマン
