
次は「オーガニック検索」を増やす研究をしたいです。 Next, I would like to do research to increase "organic search".

Next, I would like to do research to increase "organic search". 

The number of views has increased 2.5 times.

Two months have passed since the site was renewed at the end of February. With the cooperation of affiliated writers, the number of articles has exceeded 110 and the number of views has increased 2.5 times.


From the results of Google Analytics, I would like to increase "organic search" next.

3月末に登録したGoogleアナリクスの結果によると、流入元は、「Social:60.9%」、「Direct:31.9%」、「Organic Search:4.3%」、「Referral:2.9%」という結果でした。


今後の課題としては、Organic Search(自然検索)を増やしていく研究をしたいと思います。

According to the results of Google Analytics registered at the end of March, the inflow sources were "Social: 60.9%", "Direct: 31.9%", "Organic Search: 4.3%", and "Referral: 2.9%". The best social is the inflow from "Everyone get together! Blogger's Square twitter". As a future task, I would like to do research to increase Organic Search.

written by 仮面サラリーマン


横山輝一「Lovin' You」作詞作曲パフォーマンスどれも超絶にCOOLで「歌声」そのものが最高 Kiichi Yokoyama "Lovin'You" songwriting performance All are transcendentally COOL and "singing voice" itself is the best

 Kiichi Yokoyama "Lovin'You" songwriting performance All are transcendentally COOL and "singing voice" itself is the best 

Lovin' You
on album KIICHI-YO
"Lovin'You" Kiichi Yokoyama on album KIICHI-YO

そうそう、聴くだけじゃなくて カラオケで歌うことが、多かったです。
「Lovin' You」です。
タイトル「 KIICHI-YO 」も、すっげぇカッコいいって思ってた。

Masterpieces are always born. In the past, today, tomorrow, and in the future. Looking back on Heisei, it's already a lot of famous songs. Oh yeah, he often sang at karaoke, not just listening. A song I like without complaint, a song my friend sang, a song I can't sing even if I sing. The purpose of going to karaoke was not only to sing but also to meet "new songs". An artist I didn't know at all, An artist that people who know, just because they don't know. Music that I was absorbed in just listening to it once. There is no end, if you talk about memories. Every year, famous songs and new songs flow out of nowhere. I will visit you quickly. Well, without any blurring. A turning point in your life, a turning point in a good way. The songs that I heard and danced comfortably at that time still bring me to the highest tension. So, in the Heisei era full of famous songs, "This is the best, the best at that time, the best of this song" Is "Lovin'You". The singer is Kiichi Yokoyama. The songwriting and performance are all the best, but the "singing voice" itself is the best without any complaints. It's just a "song"! The CD sounds good and beautiful, but the stage with a little cluttered wind and dust is even better. The raw singing voice is the best. I'm coming with Dokan, anyway, something big. The moment you listen, it takes you to another dimension with Picarn. And since it's a song I really like, I always put it in when I go to karaoke, but I can't sing! You can adjust the key for karaoke, right? If you can't sing, lower it, right? I do the same. But there are exceptions. The exception is this song. "Lovin'You" I like this song and this song because I like the "tone" and "atmosphere" that are unique to the original key, so even if I say "lower it", I won't lower it. I can't sing by myself and I can't sing, but it's good for making noise among my friends, isn't it? When. Even if I was told "I can't sing, lower the key", I never lowered this song. I'm getting excited. It's the best. I can't lower it. This can't be anything else. I was alive with the glue. 1993 is the best. It's the best album. I thought the title "KIICHI-YO" was really cool.

written by 水瀬次郎


新しいルールで潮干狩り!太平洋岸は夏のレボリューション【茨城県内は4か所】 Clam digging with new rules! Summer revolution on the Pacific coast [4 locations in Ibaraki prefecture]

The eastern side of Ibaraki prefecture is the Pacific Ocean

The eastern side of Ibaraki prefecture is the Pacific Ocean


If it's sunny, it looks like a beautiful beach. You will want to walk forever and ever. Like spring or summer, winter or summer, if the weather is good, it feels like summer. However, I get tired of walking, so sometimes I do clamming. I have an image that I was able to dig clamming anytime, anywhere, depending on my mood, but from now on, it is dangerous to rely only on images and memories. This is because one day the law may change or the ordinance may be decided. There are now four places in Ibaraki prefecture where you can dig clamming. Only in limited places.


The new rules were decided in 2018. It's been a year since then. It seems that you remembered it, but if you inadvertently go out with a light glue like "I went clamming before, let's go again", it seems that recognition will be insufficient. You should know it, but you carelessly. Well, you'll notice it when you get to the sea.

Places where you can dig clamming: Ibaraki Prefecture



Oarai district (1st and 2nd sun beaches) Hokota district (Otake coast) Kashima district (Oritsu coast) Kamisu district (Hikawahama coast) Tools that can be used size The length of the handle is less than 50 cm, the length of the claw is less than 5 cm, and the width is less than 20 cm. Return Kashima Nada clams less than 3 cm to the sea. What I did before. A nostalgic place. Be careful when looking for memories. There are many things that can't be done anymore. another thing. Food poisoning is unreliable for "old days are okay" and "always okay". I have to be careful.



It is also good to go out to the sea where you can dig clamming, just take a walk along the beach or sidewalk without clamming, and have seafood at a sushi restaurant somewhere. No, that might be better. It doesn't matter if you're clamming or seafood, just looking at the sea and walking back to the beach. Sea, horizon, sandy beach, thick slope and fresh green. It's so refreshing.

written by 水瀬次郎


魂に傷を残しつつその傷を癒す音楽は雨が似合う「HALF MOON」崎谷健次郎 The music that heals the wounds while leaving a wound on the soul is "HALF MOON" that suits the rain Kenjiro Sakiya

The music that heals the wounds while leaving a wound on the soul is "HALF MOON" that suits the rain Kenjiro Sakiya 

「HALF MOON」崎谷健次郎
from album DIFFERENCE
"HALF MOON" Kenjiro Sakiya from album DIFFERENCE

崎谷健次郎さんの「HALF MOON」は、雨のイメージ。雨です。憂鬱な雨でもあり、なにもかも洗い流してくれそうな浄化の雨でもあり、雨そのものはイヤではない感覚です。雨が嫌いだとしても、それ以上にイヤなことがあれば、雨どころではないので、心と感情が苦しんでいるときには嫌いな雨に撃たれているくらいがちょうど良いのです。ひとりごとをつぶやく嘆きの声は雨音で消え、汗も涙も雨と混ざって溶けてしまえば濡れているだけの状態に。そういうイメージが脳内に現れては消えていく、そういう時間でした。
"Are you recommending something lately?" This album was just after the release, which my senior told me to bring. I was a Western musician and liked Eurobeat, so I wasn't sure if my hobbies would suit me, but that's it. As usual, we meet at the roundabout in front of the station, and when the senior arrives by car, we quickly get in through the door. I was driving around the city, but it was raining on the coastal street where I couldn't see the sea. While I was practicing driving with my license, I was calling out to those people, "Put it on." People running around the city and the suburbs often took me on board. It may not be so long in terms of time, but I was able to enjoy various scenery. It wasn't loud in the car, but it was louder than I listened to at home, so it was pretty nice. It's early in the rainy season, but I wonder if spring has already passed. It was such a seasonal feeling. Kenjiro Sakiya's "HALF MOON" is an image of rain. It's rain. It's a gloomy rain, a purifying rain that seems to wash everything away, and the rain itself is not an unpleasant sensation. Even if you don't like rain, if you don't like it any more, it's not raining, so when your heart and emotions are suffering, it's best to be shot by the rain you don't like. The mourning voice that mutters each person disappears with the sound of rain, and if sweat and tears mix with the rain and melt, it becomes just wet. It was such a time that such an image appeared and disappeared in the brain. Judging from the content of the lyrics, it is an image of an adult, but if you are in a state of "adult feeling", you will not feel uncomfortable. It seems to be irrelevant to look at myself objectively now, but I still have the impression that the cry of my heart was crushed by the overwhelming sound of rain because I was a teenager. At that time, there was no name "guerrilla rainstorm", or even if it was, it seems that it was still a minority, but it is rain. Rain that falls all at once in a short time. It was the rain that controlled adolescence when I was about to change from a boy to an adult. It may be better to say that it is the rain that ended puberty. If you grow up after the rain, it feels like a summer polaroid. Oh "DIFEERENCE" Did you stay so close to your life? It's music that I listened to more like a shower than rain. If you listen to it again, it will be strangely light. I feel like listening to the serious situation of another person's love objectively like a rumor. It can be objective, but it can hurt my chest and make me cry. Just because it's someone else's affair doesn't mean it's light. It is not always possible for you to be unharmed just by listening. I can't see the trauma, so I think it's left untreated, but I think great music has the property of "leaving a scar on the soul and healing it." .. It is also a ferocious rain, and it can be a very effective medicine. Oh "DIFFERENCE" is amazing.

written by 水瀬次郎
