
ゆがみながら透明なカッティング「愛されてもいないーハーレムの天使達-」崎谷健次郎  Distorted and transparent cutting "Unloved-Harlem's Angels-" Kenjiro Sakiya

Distorted and transparent cutting "Unloved-Harlem's Angels-" Kenjiro Sakiya 

from album DIFFERENCE

"Not loved-Harlem's angels-" Kenjiro Sakiya from album DIFFERENCE


1987年に発表されたアルバムは、2年後の「Kiss of Life」の頃には、飛躍的に完成度を高めていた気がします。

1988年の「THIS TIME」への流れになっていますし、




It's a song that makes you realize that it was already completed from the beginning. Every time I listen to it, I have a different expression. This is probably because not only the characteristics of the music but also the changes on the listening side are reflected. This is because both the imaginary world and the real world influence each other. The feelings I had when I was longing for New York The feeling after actually visiting the site and experiencing the reality, the differences and commonalities. Every time I listen to it again, the impression changes. It's a change in a good way. However, I find that there are some things that do not change in a good way. Kenjiro Sakiya used the expression "even if you listen to it two years later." I feel that the album released in 1987 was dramatically improved by the time of "Kiss of Life" two years later. Music often improves its perfection through live performances and concerts. Perhaps the performance will be completed more than the artist himself expected. That is why live performances and concerts are attractive not only in terms of video but also in terms of music performance. Kenjiro Sakiya's "Unloved-Harlem's Angels-" It's the flow to "THIS TIME" in 1988, I feel that it has sublimated into "memory rather than jewelry" in 1989. I think that the musicians who experienced the realism of house hip-hop conveyed the atmosphere of the time with music, just as journalists convey the times and the world. There may be such a small chain or expansion that you can imagine because you don't know it yet, and you add depth because you know it. Is the tone of the guitar influenced by the compressor? Transparent while being distorted. Like a fountain that makes a popping sound like a boiling bubble. While feeling the air being sharpened, in a large closed room surrounded by glass and walls, you will come across the size and depth that is the exact opposite of the narrowness. There are many things that come to mind when you spell it out, but all of them are moments, a world that passes by within a few seconds. I don't know if it's this impression or poem, it's the same as the water coming out of the twisted faucet, and I think it's only a few seconds. and. At the destination, I listen to it again and come back saying, "It was completed from the beginning." The more you evolve, the more you realize the high degree of perfection of the "first". It's such a song.


written by 水瀬次郎


なにか呼び寄せて覚醒させるような静けさ「St.ELMOS FIRE〜幻の光〜」崎谷健次郎 Quietness that calls something and awakens "St. ELMOS FIRE ~ Phantom Light ~" Kenjiro Sakiya

Quietness that calls something and awakens "St. ELMOS FIRE ~ Phantom Light ~" Kenjiro Sakiya

St.ELMOS FIRE〜幻の光〜」崎谷健次郎
from album  DIFFERENECE
"St. ELMOS FIRE ~ Phantom Light ~" Kenjiro Sakiya from album DIFFERENECE

It's a ballad.








「St.ELMOS FIRE〜幻の光〜」は、メロウかもしれません。が、とろけるような眠りというよりも、なにかを覚醒させるような静寂に通じるものを感じます。覚醒というよりも、呼び寄せるといったほうが良いかもしれません。


It's a ballad, but it feels like you're listening to a gem of a classical song. When I first listened to it, it was one of the songs in the album. Just right, resting, relaxing accents. "St. Elmo's Fire" would be "St. Elmo's Fire". I know. I think you've seen it in a picture book when you were a kid. Perhaps it was the story of the Age of Discovery, the tip of the mast is emitting light in the raging stormy weather. That light, that is the fire of St. Elmo. When two St. Elmo's fires appear, it is said that the storm will subside. The navigators knew. Even if there is only one light at the tip of the mast, it may appear in another place. Even hair and fingertips may emit light. Did it appear in the twins' heads in the picture book? As I remember, it is because of such an ambiguous memory that it will shake the memory with this loose wave-like wavelength melody. While listening like a breather, I sometimes imagine a completely different world. If you didn't look at the lyrics card, you might not have read the words correctly. The lyrics echo in fragments. That's why rests or silence come to the fore. It stands out because there is nothing, or something. Ocean. wave. But is this imagination the right vision? No, I hope you enjoy it as you like. If you feel like it and listen to it as you like. Even if it's not what the artist intended. Ah. By the way, I was not good at reading impressions. This is my summer vacation homework when I was in elementary school. Far from being an impression, I was not good at writing. It feels like the sentence "write as you like" didn't exist anywhere. Then, when did you start writing as you like and enjoy it? "St. ELMOS FIRE ~ Phantom Light ~" may be mellow. However, rather than a melting sleep, I feel something that leads to awakening silence. It may be better to call in than to awaken. The noisy back of my chest calms down, and I feel like I want to start something. I feel like I'm calling for something new that is different from my feelings up until now, but that may suit me in the future.

The recorded album "DIFFERENCE" is on sale as a reprint remaster.

written by 水瀬次郎
