
徒然なる日々 むらさきつゆくさ Idle Days - Purple Moon

Idle Days - Purple Moon




One day, a sprout suddenly appeared in a flowerpot on the balcony. It gradually grew and survived the hot summer. I didn't know what kind of flower it was, so I left it as it was. The leaves had grown quite a bit, and I suddenly thought I'd seen it somewhere before, and then, while walking along the sidewalk, I found the same leaf. It's a "purple tulip" with small blue flowers! Oh dear, maybe it was blown by the wind, or there were seeds mixed in with the soil I bought. I don't know what caused it, but I'm glad it sprouted and made its presence known! You often see this flower, don't you? It seems to bloom twice a year. I can't help but hope. The flower only blooms for one day. I'm a little surprised because I don't really have the image of it blooming in the morning and wilting in the evening to bloom one after another! It's a delicate flower that looks tough, popping out of the cracks in the concrete. I hope it blooms in the fall.

[Updated September 2024]









ムラサキツユクサは、夏の花として見頃が8月前後です。その美しい紫色の花弁を楽しむだけでなく、庭園にもオススメの品種です!ムラサキツユクサは属性から判断される通り、日当たりの早い所が好ましい栽培条件となってきます。室内やベランダなどの限られた面積にも選んで取り入れることが出来ます。特徴的な5裂の大き目の紫色の花弁を支柱に散布させる事で庭園全体を一気に明るく飾ってあげられます! 花言葉「尊敬」から感情表現も加味出来、心理的安心感を与えてくれる存在となってくれます!


Tradescantia is widely distributed throughout Japan, but is especially found in wild environments such as mountainous areas and forests. In this article, we will explain the beautiful appearance of tradescantia, its seasonality, how to produce fruit, and more, and then we will review a wide range of topics, from how to plant and handle tradescantia to garden design ideas! Tradescantia is a summer flower that blooms around August. Its name comes from the meaning of "purple". This flower comes in a variety of colors, including pale purple and pink, and is very popular for its beautiful blooms. There are three main types: white clover, blue willow, and lotus flower, and some have small amounts of white spots other than the center. The flower language of tradescantia conveys "respect". Tradescantia flowers bloom around August. The purple tradescantia flowers, which color the summer, change from pale yellow-green to bright yellow at their best. This beauty has a flower language that means "I respect you." In the hot days of August, let's walk to the hill of purple tradescantia, where you can enjoy the view! Purple tradescantia is widely distributed throughout Japan. It can be seen in natural environments such as mountains and forests from Hokkaido to Kyushu. The best time to see it is around August, when summer is coming to an end, and the appearance of the large petals open gives you a sense of exceptional beauty. As the flower language of the purple tradescantia says, "I respect you," I think it is a presence that transforms the hearts of people who meet it for the first time into feelings of respect! The best time to see the purple tradescantia is around August. As a flower that blooms in summer, the red color of the purple tradescantia means "I respect you." This seasonal presence of red leaves makes it a very popular summer flower that can express special memories and feelings. Only those harvested early will arrive in perfect shape, so we recommend harvesting and purchasing between July and September! Tradescantia requires summer sunlight. It tends to bloom less if planted in shady or semi-shaded areas. It is also better to choose light soil with gravel. Water it at least twice a week, and since it is evergreen, it is important to water it from the roots. It is at its best around August, so be sure to add tradescantia from a botanical garden to your seasonal interior! Tradescantia bears fruit. Tradescantia, famous as a summer flower, is a plant that blooms with red petals and is at its best around August. There are also cultivars and wild varieties of this plant, but it is generally thought that the hybrid variety, which has a flower language that represents "respect," is distributed for decorative purposes in yards and gardens. Purple tradescantia flowers are at their best in the summer season. They are characterized by soft colors such as pale orange and yellow, and have been said to express feelings of respect. These beautiful and vibrant flowers with a gentle impression have been loved by the Japanese since ancient times. As they are considered to be representative of "purple tradescantia" both now and in the past, you can often see them in home galleries and parks! Purple tradescantia is at its best as a summer flower around August. Not only can you enjoy its beautiful purple petals, but it is also a recommended variety for gardens! As judged by its attributes, purple tradescantia is best grown in sunny places. It can be chosen and incorporated into limited areas such as indoors and on balconies. By scattering the characteristic large 5-lobed purple petals on the support, you can brighten up the entire garden at once! The flower's meaning of "respect" can also be taken into account in emotional expression, and it will give you a sense of psychological security! Tradescantia reflexa is a famous summer flower. Its beautiful shape and size can instantly brighten up your garden. It grows wild in the mountains and fields all over Japan, but if you want to grow it for home use, you will need to divide it. Tradescantia is not difficult to grow, so it is a planter garden item that anyone can easily enjoy! This summer, why not start planter gardening with Tradescantia reflexa, which will make you feel "respected," and let it become a treasured time of healing that will attract and move the hearts of people all over the world!

written by ブー船長とスヌ
