
ギリシャ神話~星座編~⑤ Leo 獅子座  Greek Mythology-Constellation-⑤ Leo Leo  

Greek Mythology-Constellation-⑤ Leo Leo 

今回の獅子座にまつわる話にもヘラクレスが登場します。ヘラクレスの母は、ミケーネ王朝の王エレクトリュオンの娘アルクメネであることは前回の「Cancer 蟹座」でも少し触れましたが、このアルクメネは、美の女神アフロディーテに負けず劣らずの美女で、しかもとても賢かったといわれています。そのアルクメネをゼウスは、またまた、だまして近づいて、そしてヘラクレスが誕生することになるのですが、ゼウスの本妻であり、女神たちの女王といわれているヘラが黙っているわけはありません。本来ならばアルゴーの王になっていたはずのヘラクレスは、ヘラのかけた魔法でその一生を狂わされることになるのです。ああ、あわれなるかな、ヘラクレス……。

Hercules will also appear in this story about Leo. I mentioned in the previous "Cancer Crab" that Heracles' mother is Alcmene, the daughter of Electryon, the king of the Mycenaean dynasty, but this Alcmene is as beautiful as Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty. It is said that he was very smart. Zeus will deceive the Alcmene again, and Heracles will be born, but Hera, who is Zeus's wife and is said to be the queen of the goddesses, is not silent. Heracles, who was supposed to be the king of Argo, will be derailed by the magic of the spatula. Oh, I wonder if it's merciful, Hercules ...

What is the story about Leo (Leo) ...?

Leo is a constellation born from July 21st to August 20th, but this constellation itself is a constellation that shines in the eastern sky on spring nights. A little south of the Big Dipper, six bright stars depict a lion trying to run high in the sky, powerfully scratching the ground with both front legs and kicking the ground with its hind legs. The brightest and brightest of these is the 1st magnitude Regulus, which is located at the heart of the lion. The next brightest is Denebola, a second magnitude star, located at the tail of the lion. Another second magnitude star is the double star Gamma Leonis around the lion's neck. This Leo is like a constellation that has been known to have the shape of a lion since ancient times, and in the Babylonian era, it seems that it was said to be the figure of Humbaba, the guardian deity of the forest that appears in the Epic of Gilgamesh. is.

Nemea Forest Cannibal Lion


When Hercules came near the cave of the lion's dwelling house, the lion appeared quietly from inside, probably because he had noticed a sign of a person. If you look at it, he must have been eating people right now. The area around his mouth is dyed red with blood. Hercules tried to shoot an arrow at the beginning of his hand, but the arrow just hit the lion's head and was blown away. The lion doesn't seem to feel sick, he just looks at Heracles in a sullen manner. Then, Hercules swung down the club that he had just pulled out, aiming at the lion's brain. But for some reason, the club just broke in half and the lion didn't frighten. On the contrary, it seems that he has come to his mind this time, and he is attacking Hercules while groaning.

Heracles was knocked down to the ground, and he lost his weapon, so he has no choice but to fight with his bare hands. So I grabbed the lion's neck, which was riding on him, and turned his arms around to squeeze it with all his might. Even the lion is irresistible to be strangled. At last I just die. Heracles stripped the lion's fur and put it on as a sign of his victory and returned to the town of Nemea. Needless to say, it was welcomed by the king and other people in the town. This allows Heracles to be praised as a hero.

However, it was Zeus's wife, Hera, who was not happy with Heracles' credit. She often annoyed the hated Heracles, she turned her figure into a constellation, hoping for the efforts of Nemea's cannibal line. That is the origin of Leo.

written by Kazusa


ネモフィラが見頃の「みはらしの丘」夏はコキアもこもこの景色に【ひたち海浜公園】 "Miharashi no Oka" where nemophila is in full bloom In the summer, Kokia is also in this scenery [Hitachi Seaside Park]

"Miharashi no Oka" where nemophila is in full bloom In the summer, Kokia is also in this scenery [Hitachi Seaside Park]

Nemophila is in season! It is in full bloom. The temperature is so good that it suits summer days, short sleeves and aloha.

Hitachi Seaside Park "Miharashinooka"

国営ひたち海浜公園 ひたち公園管理センター

"Mawatari" is read as "Mawatari". Nemophila sows seeds in autumn The nemophila in Hitachi Seaside Park was sown in the fall. It is an area where you can feel the atmosphere of early summer even after the best time to see it.

The view of Nemophila Blue is cool as it blends with the horizon and the sea. It's like summer under the sunshine when the sun is full. But in the real summer, the scenery is different. Because it can be replanted in Kokia.

Kokia plant seedlings in the summer

Miharashi no Oka is planted with Kokia in the summer. Kokia is a plant grown from seeds. However, seedlings are planted in "Miharashinooka". Since seedlings with a stable tree shape are already planted, It's a spectacular line-up with a rounded feel. I've heard that the Kokia planted in "Miharashi no Oka" is a different variety from the commercially available Kokia, and has been bred for Hitachi Seaside Park. Summer, Ichimen Kokia. It's round and fluffy. Green Kokia. That is the summer scenery.

Autumn leaves turn red.

The time of June's "Natsukoshi Harae" has passed, At the time of "When is the rainy season over?" In July, It will be replanted in Kokia where the green color is bright. "Miharashi no Oka" in Hitachi Seaside Park If it is filled with Kokia that sprout green, That's when it's really summer.

written by 水瀬次郎
