
マッチの日どっち9/16どっちも?5/12日本のマッチは清水誠から始まった Match Day 9/16 Which one? 5/12 Japan's match started with Makoto Shimizu

Match Day 9/16 Which one? 5/12 Japan's match started with Makoto Shimizu









→『マッチの雑学 マッチの日と清水誠



September 16th is Match Day. Historically, the day when "rationing changed to free sales" was September 16th, 1948, so this day is Match Day. When I typed in "match day," "match fire" came up first. Match fire, come to think of it, I haven't used matches in a long time. Maybe a lighter. After all, I only use a lighter when lighting things related to leisure, including mosquito coils. When I was a child, we used matches to light fireworks, and we were given matchboxes at coffee shops, so "matches" were a familiar presence, regardless of whether we actually used them or not. I vividly remember lighting a match, but when I think of a matchbox, I am reminded of coffee shops and bars, familiar faces, and music, and I feel like I am drowning in a wave of emotions. Whoosh. By the way, it was Shimizu Makoto who started the match business in Japan. Born in the Kanazawa Domain, he studied Western studies from the end of the Edo period to the Meiji period, and also studied in France. It seems that what he learned at the Paris Polytechnic University helped him start a match business after returning to Japan. The day Shimizu Makoto left Yokohama to study in France was May 12, 1869, and that day is also Match Day. Hyogo Prefecture is by far the largest producer of matches, and they are one of the local industries in Himeji City. The "Denshi Jiba-sankan" website provides detailed information about this, and it is also featured there. → "Match Trivia: Match Day and Shimizu Makoto" When there are multiple anniversaries with the same meaning, they are often established by different people (organizations or industries), so perhaps Match Day is the same. I didn't know this, so I quickly looked it up and made a note. About Match Day.


[Updated September 2024]






Japan's match production began in Tokyo in 1875, and quickly filled the domestic market and became an export-oriented industry, with manufacturers concentrating in the Osaka and Kobe areas, which were favorable for trade. Furthermore, due to an abundant labor force and warm climate conditions for manufacturing, Hyogo Prefecture came to produce most of the country's matches. After that, the industry overcame a number of changes, such as a slump in exports, the entry of foreign companies, and excessive competition, by establishing an adjustment association in 1952, and succeeded in improving the industry's constitution, focusing on modernizing facilities. Currently, the center of production has shifted westward, and matches are mainly produced in Himeji City and Taishi Town, with a small amount still produced in Kobe City. Since the spread of disposable lighters, match consumption has been steadily decreasing. In order to cope with the drop in demand, the industry is promoting the conversion and diversification of operations by utilizing the management resources it has cultivated, making effective use of old factory sites (parking lots, tennis schools, etc.), entering the printing industry by utilizing label printing technology, developing promotional products by utilizing match sales channels (paper towels, tissue paper, etc.), and promoting the conversion and diversification of operations into other fields. Currently, the companies that install automatic match-making machines, which are the core of match manufacturing in the industry, are concentrated in three companies, two in Himeji and one in Okayama. The machines have significantly exceeded their useful life, and maintenance of the aging machines is an issue. Each company specializes in the production field in which it excels, and has established a cooperative system for manufacturing outsourcing, etc. In 2009, the group opened a shop called "Match Stick" in "Kitano Kobo no Machi," and it is currently the only match specialty store in Japan. It exhibits and sells matches and related products, displays panels on the history and manufacturing process of matches, and serves as an antenna shop to promote and raise awareness of matches, respond to interviews from the media, and plays a role as a base for developing and disseminating new products that reflect the voices of consumers. While continuing to consider ways to develop demand, a new use for matches as a disaster prevention item was discovered with the product "Canned matches for long-term storage in case of disasters," which was born from the lessons learned from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. Since then, matches have been widely recognized as a stockpile item since the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. With the global demand for safety, security, and environmental friendliness, "environmentally friendly matches" made from miscellaneous wood, recycled paper, and harmless chemicals have been reconsidered as eco-friendly products. Also, some companies in the industry have started to manufacture new products using match sticks discarded during the match manufacturing process as ignition agents.

written by 水瀬次郎
