
徒然なる日々 特別列車のお見送り!! Idle Days - Seeing off the Special Train!!


Idle Days - Seeing off the Special Train!!


Sometimes a special train passes by.
It always blows its whistle first at the same time,
so I notice it even when I'm doing something.
I can see it from my balcony,
so when I'm at home, I always wave back.
The starting station is close by, so there aren't many passengers yet.
But it's still very nice when people on board wave back.
The conductor always waves back.
Sometimes there are no passengers in sight,
which is a little lonely!
There's no conversation (obviously!)
but I always think, "Have a nice trip, and be careful!"
I'm thinking about making a big special flag next time.
People who live in apartments closer to the tracks have theirs!
I'm thinking of making my presence known, too, to keep up with the times.
When the conductor in the last car disappears from sight,
you're gradually drawn into the scenery, as in the photo.

[Updated October 2024]










1. 地域イベントの拡大


2. 学校との連携


3. 観光資源の充実


4. 地域経済への影響


5. 地域の絆の強化



Now in 2024, the special trains have become even more frequent, and have become a major event for the local people. Recently, students from local schools have been seen waving handmade flags to see off the trains. The special train schedule can now be found on the Internet, and more people are gathering to see them off.

The design of the special trains also changes every year, and they are decorated with different themes for each season. In spring, there are cherry blossom motifs, in summer, fireworks, in autumn, autumn leaves, and in winter, snow scenery. This doubles the fun of seeing them off.

In addition, local events are now held to coincide with the operation of the special trains. Special sales are held in local shopping districts on the day of the special train, and mini concerts and flea markets are held in the station square. This creates an atmosphere of unity in welcoming the special trains throughout the region.

Five years have passed since the special trains began operating, and they have become a part of the local scenery. In particular, the "Special Train Festival" held every autumn has become a major event that attracts tourists from all over the country. The festival features exhibits introducing the history of the special train and the behind-the-scenes of its operation, as well as booths selling local specialties and attractions for children.

The operation of the special train has also led to a review of the region's tourism resources. New tourist spots are springing up along the line, and the number of tourists who ride the special train is increasing. For example, at Hanasaki Station, one of the stations the special train stops at, a park has been developed where you can enjoy flowers of all seasons, and many people are now visiting.

The operation of the special train also has a significant impact on the local economy. Local shops and restaurants are increasing their sales by offering special menus and limited-edition products on the days the special train operates. New businesses are also being created in conjunction with the operation of the special train, and the entire region is becoming more lively.

The operation of the special train is becoming a part of everyday life for the local people. Seeing it off every day is an important time that deepens the bonds between the community. We hope that the special train will continue to bring smiles and vitality to the region.

written by ブー船長とスヌ



台風19号 18時36分から氾濫があったのかも知れません。   Typhoon No. 19 Flooding may have occurred from 18:36.

Typhoon No. 19 Flooding may have occurred from 18:36.



Typhoon Hagibis has caused the water level of the nearby Kurome River to rise since the morning. October 12, 2019, around 15:30 Typhoon Hagibis has caused the Kurome River in my neighborhood to get pretty bad. October 12, 2019, around 11:30 I uploaded a video of the water level of the river near my house, and the number of views has increased sharply since 18:36. There may have been flooding from 18:36. Please be careful everyone.

[Updated October 2024]












  • 堤防の強化: 台風19号の教訓を活かし、堤防の高さが増し、耐久性も向上しています。これにより、同様の規模の台風が再び襲来しても、被害を最小限に抑えることが期待されています。

  • 排水設備の改善: 新しい排水ポンプの導入や排水路の拡張が行われ、豪雨時の排水能力が大幅に向上しました。これにより、都市部での浸水被害が減少しています。

  • リアルタイム情報提供: スマートフォンアプリを活用したリアルタイムの水位情報提供が普及し、住民は迅速に避難行動を取ることができるようになりました。また、自治体からの避難指示も迅速に発信されるようになっています。

  • 地域コミュニティの強化: 災害時には地域住民同士が助け合う体制が整っており、特に高齢者や障害者など支援が必要な人々へのサポートが充実しています。定期的な防災訓練や避難訓練が行われ、住民の防災意識が高まっています。



  • 気象予測技術の向上: 最新の気象予測技術を駆使して、台風の進路や強度をより正確に予測することが可能になっています。これにより、事前の対策がより効果的に行われるようになりました。

  • 防災教育の強化: 学校や地域の防災教育が強化され、子供たちが災害時にどのように行動すべきかを学ぶ機会が増えています。家庭でも防災グッズの準備や避難計画の確認が推奨されています。

  • 企業の防災対策: 企業も従業員の安全確保や事業継続計画(BCP)の策定に積極的に取り組んでいます。特に、災害時における迅速な対応や復旧を目指し、企業間の連携も強化されています。




Five years have passed since the Reiwa East Japan Typhoon (Typhoon No. 19 of 2019), and looking back at the impact of Typhoon No. 19, the scale of the damage at that time is once again realized. In particular, many houses were flooded, which had a significant impact on the lives of residents. As of 2024, flood prevention measures across the country have been significantly strengthened, with embankments being made taller and drainage facilities being improved.

In addition, as the frequency and intensity of typhoons are increasing due to climate change, local residents' awareness of disaster prevention is also increasing. Local governments regularly conduct disaster prevention drills and educate residents about evacuation routes and evacuation shelters. People are being urged to check where water is flowing. In addition, real-time water level information is now being provided using smartphone apps, and evacuation orders are now being issued quickly.

At the same time, lessons learned from Typhoon Hagibis have strengthened the bonds of local communities. Residents now help each other and have systems in place to quickly share information in the event of a disaster. In particular, support is being provided to those who need assistance in the event of a disaster, such as the elderly and disabled, and disaster prevention capabilities are improving throughout the region.

Disaster prevention education has also been strengthened in educational institutions, with children being taught how to act in the event of a disaster. There are more opportunities to learn how to prepare for disasters. Evacuation drills are regularly conducted at schools, and preparation of disaster prevention goods and confirmation of evacuation plans are recommended at home. This raises disaster prevention awareness in the next generation and further strengthens the disaster prevention capabilities of the entire region.

Companies are also actively working on disaster prevention measures, ensuring the safety of employees and formulating business continuity plans (BCPs). In particular, cooperation between companies is being strengthened with the aim of rapid response and recovery in the event of a disaster. This also contributes to the stability of the local economy.

In addition, volunteer activities are becoming more active, and many people rush to support in the event of a disaster. Support is being gathered not only from local residents but also from all over the country, and recovery and reconstruction of the affected areas is progressing quickly. Through volunteer activities, bonds between communities are also deepening, and the construction of a disaster-resistant society is progressing.

Thus, five years after the 2019 East Japan Typhoon, disaster prevention awareness and measures have improved significantly throughout the region. Disaster prevention measures in response to climate change will continue to be required to be strengthened, but it is expected that a safer and more secure society will be realized if local residents, local governments, companies, and educational institutions work together.

written by 仮面サラリーマン



アンデシュ・ルースルンド 舞台はスウェーデン  Anders Roslund in Sweden

Anders Roslund in Sweden 

アンデシュ・ルースルンド 地下道の少女














Anders Roslund, The Girl in the Underground

I found this author when searching for police novels.

I'm trying out new authors like finding treasure.

It was a police novel, but the theme was a bit heavy.

Child abuse and street children

The story progresses as it is interwoven,

and both end with no conviction.

It combines real events with fiction.

Sweden is known as a welfare state.

But it made me think about the reality that these problems do occur.

I didn't get the feeling I was hoping for,

but it was inspiring in a way that I can't describe.

I'll try a different work.

[Updated October 2024]







新作『暗闇の中の光』の反響 2024年に発表されたアンデシュ・ルースルンドの新作『暗闇の中の光』は、移民問題や人身売買といった現代の社会問題を鋭く描いています。この作品は、スウェーデン国内外で高い評価を受け、多くの読者に深い考察を促しました。特に、移民としての苦悩や人身売買の被害者の視点から描かれる物語は、読者に強い印象を与えています。

社会問題への影響 ルースルンドの作品は、単なるエンターテインメントを超えて、社会問題への関心を喚起する力を持っています。『暗闇の中の光』は、スウェーデンの移民政策や人権問題についての議論を活性化させ、多くのメディアで取り上げられました。これにより、社会全体での問題意識が高まり、政策変更や支援活動の拡大につながる可能性があります。

国際的な評価と翻訳 ルースルンドの作品は、世界中で翻訳され、多くの言語で読まれています。特に『暗闇の中の光』は、英語、フランス語、ドイツ語など多くの言語に翻訳され、国際的なベストセラーとなりました。これにより、スウェーデンの社会問題が国際的な視点からも注目されるようになり、グローバルな議論を促進しています。

読者の声とコミュニティの形成 ルースルンドの作品は、多くの読者に影響を与え、読者コミュニティが形成されています。SNSや読書会などでの活発な議論は、作品の理解を深めるだけでなく、社会問題についての意識を高める役割も果たしています。特に、若い世代の読者が増えており、彼らの間での社会問題への関心が高まっています。

A few years have passed since then, and my understanding of Anders Roslund's work has deepened. The social problems he depicts in Sweden are not just fiction, but reflect the harshness of reality. In particular, the problems of child abuse and street children are painfully obvious, as they are difficult to solve even in Sweden, a welfare state.

Recently, I read his new work, "A Light in the Darkness." This work focuses on modern social issues such as immigration and human trafficking, and was very thought-provoking. Roslund's works are not only entertaining, but also provide deep insights into society, so I discover something new every time I read them.

Furthermore, as of 2024, Sweden still faces many social problems. In particular, social tensions due to the increase in immigration and growing economic inequality are prominent. Roslund's works sharply depict these realities and encourage readers to think deeply.

His works are also highly regarded internationally and have been translated into many languages. In particular, his psychological descriptions of the characters he draws and his detailed plots have captivated readers around the world. His work not only deepens my understanding of Swedish social issues, but also makes me think about universal human problems.

I would like to continue to follow his work. I am very excited to see what themes his new work will tackle. Ruslund's work is a rare entity that offers deep insight and emotion beyond mere entertainment.

written by ブー船長とスヌ



マイナンバーカードをつくるよ!   I'm going to make a My Number card!

I'm going to make a My Number card!






J-LIS 地方公共団体情報システム機構(都道府県・市区町村が共同で運営する組織)




Get your My Number card! To get your My Number card, you need to apply. This is the "My Number card application." You can do this on this website, so please take a look at it first. J-LIS Local Public Entity Information Systems Agency (an organization jointly operated by prefectures and municipalities) My Number card and My Number points. If you have already applied for your My Number card by April 2021, you have a chance to earn My Number points. The application deadline for My Number points has been extended until December 2021. If you haven't applied yet, apply now. You still have time.

[Updated October 2024]



  1. 申請書の入手: 市区町村の窓口やオンラインで申請書を入手します。
  2. 必要書類の準備: 本人確認書類や顔写真を準備します。
  3. 申請書の提出: 窓口または郵送、オンラインで申請書を提出します。
  4. 交付通知書の受領: 申請後、交付通知書が届きます。
  5. カードの受け取り: 交付通知書を持参し、市区町村の窓口でカードを受け取ります。








As of 2024, the penetration rate of My Number cards has increased significantly, and many government services are now available online. For example, they can be used as health insurance cards and electronic applications for tax returns. In addition, the second round of My Number Points has been implemented, offering even more benefits.

Application procedure

Obtaining an application form: Obtain an application form at your local municipal office or online.

Preparing required documents: Prepare your identification documents and face photo.

Submitting an application form: Submit the application form at the office, by mail, or online.

Receiving a notice of issuance: After applying, you will receive a notice of issuance.

Receiving the card: Bring the notice of issuance to your local municipal office and receive your card.


It may take some time to apply for a My Number card, so be sure to complete the procedure well in advance. In addition, you should be careful when handling personal information and be vigilant against fraud and unauthorized use.

Latest information in 2024

As of 2024, the penetration rate of My Number cards has increased significantly, and many government services are now available online. For example, it can be used as a health insurance card or for electronic filing of tax returns. In addition, the second round of My Number Points has been implemented, offering even more benefits.

Furthermore, the scope of use of the My Number Card continues to expand, and it can now be used to pay utility bills, use libraries, and even as identification at some commercial facilities. This makes the My Number Card useful in various situations in daily life.

In addition, security measures have been strengthened, further advancing the protection of personal information. For example, facial recognition technology has been introduced, and rapid response is now possible in the event of card loss or theft. This has created an environment in which you can use your My Number Card with peace of mind.

Please use this information as a reference to obtain your My Number Card and take advantage of the convenient government services. My Number Cards will play an increasingly important role in the digital society of the future.

written by 水瀬次郎
