
コキア紅葉の季節  Kochia autumn leaves season

Kochia autumn leaves season




[Updated October 2024]


1. コキアの基本情報

学名と特徴: コキア(学名: Bassia scoparia)は、丸い形が特徴的な一年草です。秋になると真っ赤に紅葉し、美しい景観を作り出します。コキアは、別名「ほうき草」とも呼ばれ、古くから日本の庭園や公園で親しまれてきました。特に、秋の紅葉シーズンには、その鮮やかな赤色が多くの人々を魅了します。

生育環境: 日当たりの良い場所を好みます。土壌は排水性の良いものが適しています。コキアは乾燥に強く、比較的手間がかからない植物です。適度な水やりと日光があれば、元気に育ちます。また、風通しの良い場所を選ぶことで、病害虫の発生を防ぐことができます。

2. コキアの育て方

種まき: 春に種をまきます。発芽温度は15〜20℃で、発芽までに1〜2週間かかります。種まきの際は、浅く土をかぶせる程度で十分です。発芽後は、適度な間隔を保ちながら育てることが重要です。

間引きと定植: 本葉が出たら間引きを行い、最終的に30cm間隔で定植します。間引きは、植物が十分なスペースを持って成長できるようにするために重要です。定植後は、根がしっかりと張るまで、適度な水やりを続けます。

水やり: 乾燥に強いですが、成長期には適度な水やりが必要です。特に、夏の暑い時期には、土が乾燥しすぎないように注意しましょう。過度な水やりは根腐れの原因となるため、土の表面が乾いたら水を与えるようにします。

3. コキアの楽しみ方

紅葉の観賞: 秋になると真っ赤に紅葉し、庭や公園での観賞に最適です。コキアの紅葉は、他の植物とは一味違った美しさがあります。特に、広いスペースに植えると、その紅葉が一面に広がり、壮観な景色を楽しむことができます。

箒作り: 枯れた後のコキアは、箒として利用できます。茎が硬く、掃除に適しています。コキアの茎を束ねて乾燥させることで、昔ながらの箒を作ることができます。自然素材の箒は、環境にも優しく、使い心地も良いです。

4. コキアの利用方法

ガーデニング: 庭やベランダでのガーデニングに最適です。コンテナ栽培も可能です。コキアは、他の植物と組み合わせて植えることで、庭全体の景観を引き立てます。特に、秋の紅葉シーズンには、その美しさが一層際立ちます。

観賞用植物: 公園や庭園での景観植物として人気があります。コキアは、単独で植えるだけでなく、他の植物と組み合わせて植えることで、より豊かな景観を作り出すことができます。例えば、コスモスやススキと一緒に植えると、秋の風情を楽しむことができます。


1. 適切な時期に植える


2. 日当たりの良い場所を選ぶ


3. 適度な水やり


4. 観賞後の利用



1. コキアの名所

ひたち海浜公園: 茨城県にあるひたち海浜公園は、コキアの紅葉で有名です。毎年多くの観光客が訪れます。広大な敷地に植えられたコキアが一斉に紅葉する様子は、まさに圧巻です。

昭和記念公園: 東京都立川市にある昭和記念公園でも、コキアの紅葉が楽しめます。広い公園内には、コキアの他にも多くの植物が植えられており、四季折々の風景を楽しむことができます。

2. コキアの紅葉祭り



1. 天候に注意


2. 観賞マナー




1. コキアの紅葉が見られるおすすめスポット


  • 国営ひたち海浜公園(茨城県):10月中旬に真っ赤に染まるコキアが見られます。広大な敷地に広がるコキアの絨毯は圧巻です。
  • 河口湖・大石公園(山梨県):富士山を背景にした真っ赤なコキアが楽しめます。10月中旬から下旬が見頃です。
  • 東京ドイツ村(千葉県):10月上旬から中旬にかけて、広大な園内でコキアの紅葉が楽しめます。
  • ひるがのピクニックガーデン(岐阜県):標高1000mの高原に広がるコキアの紅葉が見られます。9月下旬から10月上旬が見頃です。
  • 箱館山コキアパーク(滋賀県):琵琶湖を見下ろす山上に広がるコキアの紅葉が楽しめます。9月下旬から10月下旬が見頃です。

2. コキアの紅葉の見頃とその時期の気候


3. コキアの紅葉を楽しむための旅行プラン


  • 交通手段:公共交通機関を利用する場合、最寄り駅やバス停からのアクセス方法を事前に調べておきましょう。車で行く場合は、駐車場の有無や料金も確認しておくと安心です。
  • 宿泊施設:紅葉の見頃の時期は観光客が多いため、宿泊施設の予約は早めに行うことをおすすめします。特に人気の観光地では、宿泊施設がすぐに満室になることがあります。
  • 食事:地元の名物料理や季節の食材を楽しむことも旅行の醍醐味です。事前にレストランやカフェの情報を調べておくと良いでしょう。

4. コキアの紅葉と他の秋の風景とのコラボレーション


  • コスモス:コキアと同じ時期に見頃を迎えるコスモスは、色とりどりの花が一面に広がり、コキアの赤と美しいコントラストを作り出します。
  • 紅葉:カエデやモミジの紅葉とコキアの紅葉を一緒に楽しむことができるスポットもあります。特に山間部では、紅葉の美しい景色が広がります。
  • 湖や川:湖や川の近くにあるコキアの紅葉スポットでは、水面に映る紅葉の景色が楽しめます。特に朝や夕方の時間帯は、光の加減で一層美しい風景が広がります。

5. コキアの紅葉を楽しむための写真撮影のコツ


  • 光の加減:朝や夕方の柔らかい光の時間帯に撮影すると、コキアの赤が一層鮮やかに映ります。逆光を利用してシルエットを強調するのも効果的です。
  • 構図:コキアの丸いフォルムを活かした構図を考えましょう。広がるコキアの絨毯を斜めから撮影することで、奥行き感のある写真が撮れます。
  • 背景:富士山や湖など、美しい背景を取り入れることで、写真全体の印象が引き立ちます。特に晴れた日には、青空とのコントラストが美しい写真が撮れます。

6. コキアの紅葉に関連するイベントやフェスティバル


  • ひたち海浜公園のコキアライトアップ:夜間にライトアップされたコキアが幻想的な雰囲気を醸し出します。
  • 河口湖紅葉まつり:河口湖周辺で開催される紅葉まつりでは、コキアの紅葉と共に様々なイベントが楽しめます。
  • 地元のマルシェ:紅葉の見頃に合わせて、地元の特産品を販売するマルシェが開催されることもあります。新鮮な野菜や果物、手作りの工芸品などが並びます。

7. コキアの紅葉を楽しむための持ち物や服装のアドバイス


  • 防寒具:朝晩の冷え込みに備えて、軽いジャケットやカーディガンを持参しましょう。特に山間部では気温が低くなることがあります。
  • 歩きやすい靴:紅葉スポットを巡る際には、歩きやすい靴が必須です。特に自然公園や山道を歩く場合は、スニーカーやトレッキングシューズがおすすめです。
  • カメラ:美しい紅葉の風景を写真に収めるために、カメラを忘れずに持参しましょう。スマートフォンでも十分ですが、一眼レフカメラやミラーレスカメラがあると、より高品質な写真が撮れます。
  • 飲み物と軽食:紅葉スポットを巡る際には、飲み物と軽食を持参すると便利です。特に長時間の散策になる場合は、水分補給を忘れずに行いましょう。


How to grow and enjoy kochia

1. Basic information about kochia

Scientific name and characteristics: Kochia (scientific name: Bassia scoparia) is an annual plant with a distinctive round shape. In autumn, the leaves turn bright red, creating a beautiful landscape. Kochia, also known as "broom grass," has been popular in Japanese gardens and parks since ancient times. In particular, its vivid red color attracts many people during the autumn foliage season.

Growing environment: It prefers sunny locations. Soil with good drainage is suitable. Kochia is resistant to dryness and is a relatively low-maintenance plant. With moderate watering and sunlight, it will grow well. Also, choosing a well-ventilated location can prevent the occurrence of pests and diseases.

2. How to grow kochia

Sowing: Sow the seeds in spring. The germination temperature is 15 to 20°C, and it takes 1 to 2 weeks for the seeds to germinate. When sowing the seeds, it is sufficient to cover them shallowly with soil. After germination, it is important to grow the plants while maintaining a moderate distance between them.

Thinning and planting: Once the primary leaves appear, thin them out and finally plant them at 30cm intervals. Thinning is important so that the plants have enough space to grow. After planting, continue to water moderately until the roots are firmly established.

Watering: Although kochia is resistant to dryness, moderate watering is necessary during the growing season. Be careful not to let the soil dry out too much, especially during the hot summer months. Excessive watering can cause root rot, so water the plant when the surface of the soil dries out.

3. How to enjoy kochia

Watching the autumn leaves: In autumn, the leaves turn bright red, making it perfect for viewing in gardens and parks. The autumn leaves of kochia have a beauty that is different from other plants. In particular, if you plant them in a large space, the autumn leaves will spread all over the place, creating a spectacular view.

Making a broom: After the kochia has withered, it can be used as a broom. The stems are hard and suitable for cleaning. You can make a traditional broom by bundling and drying kochia stems. Brooms made from natural materials are environmentally friendly and comfortable to use.

4. How to use kochia

Gardening: It is perfect for gardening in the yard or on the balcony. It can also be grown in containers. Kochia enhances the overall landscape of the garden when planted in combination with other plants. Its beauty is especially striking in the autumn foliage season.

Ornamental plants: It is popular as a landscape plant in parks and gardens. Kochia can be planted not only alone, but also in combination with other plants to create a richer landscape. For example, planting it with cosmos or Japanese silver grass will give you an autumn feel.

Tips for enjoying the autumn foliage of kochia

1. Plant at the right time

Sow the seeds in spring and let them grow through the summer. You can enjoy the autumn leaves in autumn. It is important to be careful not to miss the sowing season and sow the seeds at the right time.

2. Choose a sunny location

You can expect vivid autumn leaves by getting plenty of sunlight. Kochia likes sunlight, so planting it in a sunny location will help it grow healthily.

3. Moderate watering

Although it is resistant to dryness, moderate watering is necessary during the growing season. Be careful not to let the soil dry out too much, especially during the hot summer months.

4. Use after viewing

After the kochia has withered, it can be reused as a broom. Brooms made from natural materials are environmentally friendly and comfortable to use.

Event information for enjoying the autumn leaves of kochia

1. Famous places to see kochia

Hitachi Seaside Park: Hitachi Seaside Park in Ibaraki Prefecture is famous for the autumn leaves of kochia. Many tourists visit every year. The sight of the kochia planted on a vast site all turning red at once is truly spectacular.

Showa Memorial Park: You can also enjoy the autumn leaves of kochia at Showa Memorial Park in Tachikawa City, Tokyo. In addition to kochia, many other plants are planted in the large park, so you can enjoy the scenery of each season.

2. Kochia Autumn Leaf Festivals

Events to enjoy the autumn leaves of kochia are held in various places. Check the website of the local tourist association for information. At the autumn leaf festival, you can also enjoy local specialties and gourmet food, so it is an event that kills two birds with one stone for tourists.

Things to note when enjoying the autumn leaves of kochia

1. Pay attention to the weather

The autumn leaves may be damaged by long rains in autumn and typhoons. Check the weather forecast and choose the best day to view them. It is especially important to take measures in advance to avoid damage from strong winds and heavy rain during typhoon season.

2. Viewing manners

When viewing in a park or garden, be considerate of other viewers and plants. Also observe manners when taking photos. Especially in popular tourist spots, where many people visit, it is important to observe manners to avoid trouble with other viewers.

Summary Kochia is a beautiful plant that turns bright red in autumn and can be used both for decoration and as a broom. By learning how to grow and enjoy kochia, you can enjoy its charm even more. Please enjoy the autumn leaves of kochia. Also, deepening your knowledge of how to grow and use kochia will increase the enjoyment of gardening. By growing kochia, you can enjoy contact with nature and spend a spiritually enriching time.

written by 水瀬次郎


知らなかった!! 除湿剤にたまった水の使い方  I didn't know! How to use the water that accumulates in a dehumidifier

 I didn't know! How to use the water that accumulates in a dehumidifier















Dehumidifiers are stored in closets, etc.

You throw them away when water accumulates, right?

This accumulated water can be used as a herbicide.

It is effective when sprinkled on weeds to kill them.

However, do not spray it on important plants.

They will die together with the plants.

Try it on weeds you don't want to grow!!

Just to be safe, try it in a place where it won't have a big impact.

I don't know what the ingredients are, but

it can be poured down the drain, so it's unlikely to have a negative impact on the environment.

It won't solve the problem unless you remove the roots of the weeds,

but it might make the place look neater for the time being.

[Updated October 2024]

気候変動と除湿剤の需要: 近年の気候変動により、湿度が高くなる季節が増えています。そのため、除湿剤の需要が高まっており、再利用方法の工夫が求められています。特に、梅雨や夏の湿度が高い時期には、除湿剤の使用が一般的になっています。これにより、家庭やオフィスでのカビやダニの発生を防ぐことができ、健康被害を軽減する効果があります。

新しい除湿剤の登場: 2024年には、より効率的で環境に優しい除湿剤が登場しています。これらの新製品は、従来の除湿剤よりも長持ちし、再利用の幅も広がっています。例えば、シリカゲルや活性炭を使用した除湿剤は、吸湿力が高く、繰り返し使用できるため、経済的かつ環境に優しい選択肢となっています。また、電気を使わない自然除湿剤も人気が高まっており、エネルギー消費を抑えることができます。

エコフレンドリーな選択肢: 環境意識の高まりに伴い、再利用可能な除湿剤や、自然素材を使用した製品が注目されています。これらの製品は、使用後の水も安全に再利用できる点が特徴です。例えば、竹炭や珪藻土を使用した除湿剤は、自然素材でありながら高い吸湿力を持ち、使用後は土壌改良材として再利用することができます。また、再利用可能な除湿剤は、プラスチック廃棄物の削減にも貢献しています。


情報共有の重要性: フリーランスのブロガーにとって、情報共有は非常に重要です。新しいアイデアや再利用方法を共有することで、コミュニティ全体の知識が向上します。特に、除湿剤の効果的な使い方や再利用方法についての情報は、多くの読者にとって有益です。ブログを通じて、実際に試した方法や製品レビューを共有することで、他のブロガーや読者との信頼関係を築くことができます。

オンラインイベントの開催: 2024年には、オンラインでの情報交換や勉強会が増えています。これにより、地理的な制約を超えて多くのブロガーが参加できるようになっています。例えば、ウェビナーやライブ配信を通じて、専門家や他のブロガーと直接交流する機会が増えています。また、オンラインイベントでは、リアルタイムで質問や意見交換ができるため、より深い学びが得られます。

収益化の工夫: ブログの収益化に関する新しい方法やツールが登場しています。特に、アフィリエイトマーケティングやスポンサーシップの活用が進んでいます。例えば、除湿剤メーカーとの提携により、製品レビューやプロモーションを行うことで、収益を得ることができます。また、オンラインショップを通じて、自身のブログで紹介した製品を販売することも可能です。さらに、サブスクリプションモデルや有料コンテンツの提供も、収益化の一環として注目されています。




1. 衣類の乾燥


2. 書類や本の保護


3. 靴の乾燥


4. 車内の湿気対策


5. 楽器の保護


6. 食品の保存


7. カメラや電子機器の保護


8. ペット用品の乾燥



Climate change and the demand for dehumidifiers: Due to climate change in recent years, there are more seasons with high humidity. As a result, the demand for dehumidifiers is increasing, and there is a need to devise ways to reuse them. The use of dehumidifiers is becoming more common, especially during the rainy season and summer when humidity is high. This can prevent the growth of mold and dust mites in homes and offices, and has the effect of reducing health damage.

The emergence of new dehumidifiers: In 2024, more efficient and environmentally friendly dehumidifiers are appearing. These new products last longer than traditional dehumidifiers and have a wider range of reuse. For example, dehumidifiers using silica gel and activated carbon have high moisture absorption and can be used repeatedly, making them an economical and environmentally friendly option. In addition, natural dehumidifiers that do not use electricity are also becoming more popular, which can reduce energy consumption.

Eco-friendly options: With increasing environmental awareness, reusable dehumidifiers and products using natural materials are attracting attention. These products are characterized by the fact that the water after use can also be safely reused. For example, dehumidifiers made from bamboo charcoal and diatomaceous earth are natural materials that have high moisture absorption capabilities and can be reused as soil conditioners after use. Reusable dehumidifiers also contribute to reducing plastic waste.

Trends in the blogger community

The importance of sharing information: For freelance bloggers, sharing information is very important. Sharing new ideas and ways to reuse improves the knowledge of the entire community. In particular, information on how to effectively use and reuse dehumidifiers is beneficial to many readers. By sharing tried-and-true methods and product reviews through blogs, you can build trust with other bloggers and readers.

Hosting online events: In 2024, there are more online information exchanges and study sessions. This allows many bloggers to participate beyond geographical constraints. For example, there are more opportunities to interact directly with experts and other bloggers through webinars and live streaming. In addition, online events allow you to ask questions and exchange opinions in real time, resulting in deeper learning.

Monetization ideas: New methods and tools for monetizing blogs are emerging. In particular, the use of affiliate marketing and sponsorships is progressing. For example, by partnering with a dehumidifier manufacturer, you can earn revenue by reviewing and promoting products. You can also sell products introduced on your blog through an online shop. In addition, subscription models and the provision of paid content are also attracting attention as part of monetization.


The method of reusing water in dehumidifiers is attracting attention as an environmentally conscious practice. Taking into account the latest information for 2024, we can see the emergence of new dehumidifiers that respond to climate change and the increase in eco-friendly options. In addition, the blogger community is becoming more creative in sharing information and monetizing, and online events are becoming more active. Use this information to aim for more effective blog management. In addition, deepening your knowledge of how to choose and use dehumidifiers will provide valuable information to your readers. This will increase the credibility and popularity of your blog and expand your opportunities for monetization.

written by ブー船長とスヌ



徒然なる日々 特別列車のお見送り!! Idle Days - Seeing off the Special Train!!


Idle Days - Seeing off the Special Train!!


Sometimes a special train passes by.
It always blows its whistle first at the same time,
so I notice it even when I'm doing something.
I can see it from my balcony,
so when I'm at home, I always wave back.
The starting station is close by, so there aren't many passengers yet.
But it's still very nice when people on board wave back.
The conductor always waves back.
Sometimes there are no passengers in sight,
which is a little lonely!
There's no conversation (obviously!)
but I always think, "Have a nice trip, and be careful!"
I'm thinking about making a big special flag next time.
People who live in apartments closer to the tracks have theirs!
I'm thinking of making my presence known, too, to keep up with the times.
When the conductor in the last car disappears from sight,
you're gradually drawn into the scenery, as in the photo.

[Updated October 2024]










1. 地域イベントの拡大


2. 学校との連携


3. 観光資源の充実


4. 地域経済への影響


5. 地域の絆の強化



Now in 2024, the special trains have become even more frequent, and have become a major event for the local people. Recently, students from local schools have been seen waving handmade flags to see off the trains. The special train schedule can now be found on the Internet, and more people are gathering to see them off.

The design of the special trains also changes every year, and they are decorated with different themes for each season. In spring, there are cherry blossom motifs, in summer, fireworks, in autumn, autumn leaves, and in winter, snow scenery. This doubles the fun of seeing them off.

In addition, local events are now held to coincide with the operation of the special trains. Special sales are held in local shopping districts on the day of the special train, and mini concerts and flea markets are held in the station square. This creates an atmosphere of unity in welcoming the special trains throughout the region.

Five years have passed since the special trains began operating, and they have become a part of the local scenery. In particular, the "Special Train Festival" held every autumn has become a major event that attracts tourists from all over the country. The festival features exhibits introducing the history of the special train and the behind-the-scenes of its operation, as well as booths selling local specialties and attractions for children.

The operation of the special train has also led to a review of the region's tourism resources. New tourist spots are springing up along the line, and the number of tourists who ride the special train is increasing. For example, at Hanasaki Station, one of the stations the special train stops at, a park has been developed where you can enjoy flowers of all seasons, and many people are now visiting.

The operation of the special train also has a significant impact on the local economy. Local shops and restaurants are increasing their sales by offering special menus and limited-edition products on the days the special train operates. New businesses are also being created in conjunction with the operation of the special train, and the entire region is becoming more lively.

The operation of the special train is becoming a part of everyday life for the local people. Seeing it off every day is an important time that deepens the bonds between the community. We hope that the special train will continue to bring smiles and vitality to the region.

written by ブー船長とスヌ



台風19号 18時36分から氾濫があったのかも知れません。   Typhoon No. 19 Flooding may have occurred from 18:36.

Typhoon No. 19 Flooding may have occurred from 18:36.



Typhoon Hagibis has caused the water level of the nearby Kurome River to rise since the morning. October 12, 2019, around 15:30 Typhoon Hagibis has caused the Kurome River in my neighborhood to get pretty bad. October 12, 2019, around 11:30 I uploaded a video of the water level of the river near my house, and the number of views has increased sharply since 18:36. There may have been flooding from 18:36. Please be careful everyone.

[Updated October 2024]












  • 堤防の強化: 台風19号の教訓を活かし、堤防の高さが増し、耐久性も向上しています。これにより、同様の規模の台風が再び襲来しても、被害を最小限に抑えることが期待されています。

  • 排水設備の改善: 新しい排水ポンプの導入や排水路の拡張が行われ、豪雨時の排水能力が大幅に向上しました。これにより、都市部での浸水被害が減少しています。

  • リアルタイム情報提供: スマートフォンアプリを活用したリアルタイムの水位情報提供が普及し、住民は迅速に避難行動を取ることができるようになりました。また、自治体からの避難指示も迅速に発信されるようになっています。

  • 地域コミュニティの強化: 災害時には地域住民同士が助け合う体制が整っており、特に高齢者や障害者など支援が必要な人々へのサポートが充実しています。定期的な防災訓練や避難訓練が行われ、住民の防災意識が高まっています。



  • 気象予測技術の向上: 最新の気象予測技術を駆使して、台風の進路や強度をより正確に予測することが可能になっています。これにより、事前の対策がより効果的に行われるようになりました。

  • 防災教育の強化: 学校や地域の防災教育が強化され、子供たちが災害時にどのように行動すべきかを学ぶ機会が増えています。家庭でも防災グッズの準備や避難計画の確認が推奨されています。

  • 企業の防災対策: 企業も従業員の安全確保や事業継続計画(BCP)の策定に積極的に取り組んでいます。特に、災害時における迅速な対応や復旧を目指し、企業間の連携も強化されています。




Five years have passed since the Reiwa East Japan Typhoon (Typhoon No. 19 of 2019), and looking back at the impact of Typhoon No. 19, the scale of the damage at that time is once again realized. In particular, many houses were flooded, which had a significant impact on the lives of residents. As of 2024, flood prevention measures across the country have been significantly strengthened, with embankments being made taller and drainage facilities being improved.

In addition, as the frequency and intensity of typhoons are increasing due to climate change, local residents' awareness of disaster prevention is also increasing. Local governments regularly conduct disaster prevention drills and educate residents about evacuation routes and evacuation shelters. People are being urged to check where water is flowing. In addition, real-time water level information is now being provided using smartphone apps, and evacuation orders are now being issued quickly.

At the same time, lessons learned from Typhoon Hagibis have strengthened the bonds of local communities. Residents now help each other and have systems in place to quickly share information in the event of a disaster. In particular, support is being provided to those who need assistance in the event of a disaster, such as the elderly and disabled, and disaster prevention capabilities are improving throughout the region.

Disaster prevention education has also been strengthened in educational institutions, with children being taught how to act in the event of a disaster. There are more opportunities to learn how to prepare for disasters. Evacuation drills are regularly conducted at schools, and preparation of disaster prevention goods and confirmation of evacuation plans are recommended at home. This raises disaster prevention awareness in the next generation and further strengthens the disaster prevention capabilities of the entire region.

Companies are also actively working on disaster prevention measures, ensuring the safety of employees and formulating business continuity plans (BCPs). In particular, cooperation between companies is being strengthened with the aim of rapid response and recovery in the event of a disaster. This also contributes to the stability of the local economy.

In addition, volunteer activities are becoming more active, and many people rush to support in the event of a disaster. Support is being gathered not only from local residents but also from all over the country, and recovery and reconstruction of the affected areas is progressing quickly. Through volunteer activities, bonds between communities are also deepening, and the construction of a disaster-resistant society is progressing.

Thus, five years after the 2019 East Japan Typhoon, disaster prevention awareness and measures have improved significantly throughout the region. Disaster prevention measures in response to climate change will continue to be required to be strengthened, but it is expected that a safer and more secure society will be realized if local residents, local governments, companies, and educational institutions work together.

written by 仮面サラリーマン
