
◆万葉集に親しむ◆ ~その1~ 春過ぎて…… ◆ Familiar with Manyoshu ◆ ~ Part 1 ~ After spring ……

Familiar with Manyoshu

Part 1: After spring ...

I've always wanted to carefully interpret the waka poems contained in the Manyoshu and Kokinwakashu. The more you know, the deeper the world of Japanese poetry seems to be, and the more you see the origin of Japanese culture, the more you will be fascinated by it. Therefore, the era name will be changed to "Reiwa", and I will take the plunge from today.

For the first time, I picked up my favorite song. A song that I liked for some reason the moment I found it in a textbook when I was in junior high school. It is the one who led me to the world of waka poetry.

After spring, it's summer, and it's dried up on white, and Mt. Amanoka, the heavenly fragrance mountain.

🌸 Spring has passed and summer is coming soon. The pure white clothes are dried, you see, in the heavenly fragrance mountain.

🍁 Under the deep blue sky, you can see the fluttering white clothes fluttering in the refreshing breeze on Mt. Amanoka, which is darkening the green. It's a song that gives you a feeling of feminine grace. It seems that the smell of the early summer breeze is coming.

💡 Later, in Hyakunin Isshu, which was compiled by Fujiwara no Teika, it was changed to "Mt. "It seems to come" ⇒ "It seems to come", "It's dried (it seems to be dried)" ⇒ "It seems to be dried", and the meaning is slightly different. It seems that it has been closed. The sound is graceful, though. However, I'm a little disappointed that the feelings of the composer aren't being conveyed.



春過ぎて 夏来(きた)るらし 白たへの 衣干したり 天の香具山                               (二八 持統天皇)

🌸 春が過ぎて、もうすぐ夏が来るんだなあ。真っ白い衣が干してあるよ、ほら、天の香具山に。

🍁 真っ青な空の下、緑を濃くしていく天の香具山に、爽やかな風にあおられて真っ白な衣がひらひらとたなびいている情景が目に浮かぶ一首です。女性らしいたおやかさが感じ取られる歌ですよね。初夏の風の匂いまでしてくるみたいです。

💡 後に藤原定家が編纂した百人一首では、「春過ぎて 夏来にけらし 白たへの 衣干すてふ 天の香具山」に変えられています。「来るらし(来るらしい)」⇒「来にけらし(来たらしい)」、「干したり(干しているよ)」⇒「干すてふ(干すらしい)」と、ちょっと意味が違って伝えられてしまっているようです。響きは優雅になっていますけれどね。でも、詠み手の気持ちが今一つ、伝わってこなくなって、ちょっぴり残念なり……。

written by Kazusa

4 件のコメント:

  1. 新元号で万葉集は注目されると思うので勉強させて頂きます。

    1. 仮面サラーリーマンさん、はい、いっしょに勉強をしていきましょう。

  2. こんにちは。初夏が大好きなので、「夏が来るんだなあ」が嬉しくなりました。

    1. 水瀬さん、こんにちは。コメントをありがとうございます! たった5・7・5・7・7の5句で、こんなにありありと情景が浮かぶような歌を詠むなんて、本当に昔の人はすごいなあ、って思います(*^-^*)
