
徒然なる日々 昼の時間  Idle Days: Daytime

Idle Days: Daytime








I've never really paid much attention to it, but the apartment is pretty quiet during the day. I can hear the occasional voice or footstep, but there's almost no sound. All I can hear is the tapping of keys on the PC keyboard... It feels like I'm in a different world from the rest of the world, and I'm spending my time in luxury. (Maybe it's just me who thinks so) When I come to the living room, I can hear the sounds of cars and trains, the beeping of traffic lights, etc. It's the same room, but it's completely different. When I come to the kitchen in the evening, the view is fresh. I see it every day, but that's probably because every day is different. Just the color of the sky and the shape of the clouds being different makes it feel fresh.


[Updated September 2024]













買い物に行くことで、「こんないいものがあったんだ」と新たに好きなものができたり、新しい発見が期待できたりするでしょう。 Some people are curious about what other people do on their days off. How people spend their days off can vary greatly. Here, we will explain the ranking of ways to spend your days off. Please take a look to see how other people spend their days off. [No. 5] Going out with friends Even on days off, if you have a lot of energy and are wondering "what to do," many people will invite a male or female friend to go out somewhere. You will probably try to enjoy your days off by going on a little trip, immersing yourself in a hobby, or spending time with friends you get along with. Many people also drink alcohol together, and some people spend their days relaxing while consuming alcohol. [No. 4] Sleeping as much as you can without worrying about time Many people decide to spend their days off literally as a day to rest. When you're working, there are times when it's difficult to get enough sleep. Many people try to make up for that lack of sleep on their days off. Another way to spend the morning is to sleep as much as you want without setting an alarm clock, without worrying about time. [3rd place] Relaxing at home When you go to work every day, you tend to have to be careful not only with your relationships with your boss and seniors, but also with business negotiations with clients. If you are easily tired from work on weekdays, some people think, "I don't want to do anything on my days off," and just laze around. By buying delicious meals in advance and cleaning your room, you can spend your days off in style in your room. [2nd place] Cleaning the house and doing housework that you can't usually do If you are busy with work on weekdays, some people find it hard to do housework. Some people use their days off to do housework such as cleaning and laundry that they couldn't do on weekdays. By cleaning and doing laundry to make your room neat and tidy, you will also feel refreshed and feel a sense of accomplishment. Some people also daringly change the layout of their room when cleaning to change their mood. [1st place] Going shopping Many people try to go out and have fun on their days off. If you go out shopping by yourself, you can of course shop, but you can also go to a store that caters to your hobbies or eat delicious food. By going shopping, you can expect to make new discoveries and find new things you like, such as "I didn't know there was such a great thing."
written by ブー船長とスヌ



マッチの日どっち9/16どっちも?5/12日本のマッチは清水誠から始まった Match Day 9/16 Which one? 5/12 Japan's match started with Makoto Shimizu

Match Day 9/16 Which one? 5/12 Japan's match started with Makoto Shimizu









→『マッチの雑学 マッチの日と清水誠



September 16th is Match Day. Historically, the day when "rationing changed to free sales" was September 16th, 1948, so this day is Match Day. When I typed in "match day," "match fire" came up first. Match fire, come to think of it, I haven't used matches in a long time. Maybe a lighter. After all, I only use a lighter when lighting things related to leisure, including mosquito coils. When I was a child, we used matches to light fireworks, and we were given matchboxes at coffee shops, so "matches" were a familiar presence, regardless of whether we actually used them or not. I vividly remember lighting a match, but when I think of a matchbox, I am reminded of coffee shops and bars, familiar faces, and music, and I feel like I am drowning in a wave of emotions. Whoosh. By the way, it was Shimizu Makoto who started the match business in Japan. Born in the Kanazawa Domain, he studied Western studies from the end of the Edo period to the Meiji period, and also studied in France. It seems that what he learned at the Paris Polytechnic University helped him start a match business after returning to Japan. The day Shimizu Makoto left Yokohama to study in France was May 12, 1869, and that day is also Match Day. Hyogo Prefecture is by far the largest producer of matches, and they are one of the local industries in Himeji City. The "Denshi Jiba-sankan" website provides detailed information about this, and it is also featured there. → "Match Trivia: Match Day and Shimizu Makoto" When there are multiple anniversaries with the same meaning, they are often established by different people (organizations or industries), so perhaps Match Day is the same. I didn't know this, so I quickly looked it up and made a note. About Match Day.


[Updated September 2024]






Japan's match production began in Tokyo in 1875, and quickly filled the domestic market and became an export-oriented industry, with manufacturers concentrating in the Osaka and Kobe areas, which were favorable for trade. Furthermore, due to an abundant labor force and warm climate conditions for manufacturing, Hyogo Prefecture came to produce most of the country's matches. After that, the industry overcame a number of changes, such as a slump in exports, the entry of foreign companies, and excessive competition, by establishing an adjustment association in 1952, and succeeded in improving the industry's constitution, focusing on modernizing facilities. Currently, the center of production has shifted westward, and matches are mainly produced in Himeji City and Taishi Town, with a small amount still produced in Kobe City. Since the spread of disposable lighters, match consumption has been steadily decreasing. In order to cope with the drop in demand, the industry is promoting the conversion and diversification of operations by utilizing the management resources it has cultivated, making effective use of old factory sites (parking lots, tennis schools, etc.), entering the printing industry by utilizing label printing technology, developing promotional products by utilizing match sales channels (paper towels, tissue paper, etc.), and promoting the conversion and diversification of operations into other fields. Currently, the companies that install automatic match-making machines, which are the core of match manufacturing in the industry, are concentrated in three companies, two in Himeji and one in Okayama. The machines have significantly exceeded their useful life, and maintenance of the aging machines is an issue. Each company specializes in the production field in which it excels, and has established a cooperative system for manufacturing outsourcing, etc. In 2009, the group opened a shop called "Match Stick" in "Kitano Kobo no Machi," and it is currently the only match specialty store in Japan. It exhibits and sells matches and related products, displays panels on the history and manufacturing process of matches, and serves as an antenna shop to promote and raise awareness of matches, respond to interviews from the media, and plays a role as a base for developing and disseminating new products that reflect the voices of consumers. While continuing to consider ways to develop demand, a new use for matches as a disaster prevention item was discovered with the product "Canned matches for long-term storage in case of disasters," which was born from the lessons learned from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. Since then, matches have been widely recognized as a stockpile item since the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. With the global demand for safety, security, and environmental friendliness, "environmentally friendly matches" made from miscellaneous wood, recycled paper, and harmless chemicals have been reconsidered as eco-friendly products. Also, some companies in the industry have started to manufacture new products using match sticks discarded during the match manufacturing process as ignition agents.

written by 水瀬次郎



落語を見に行きました I went to see Rakugo

I went to see Rakugo


There was a Rakugo event at the town's Civic Hall. The subject matter was enjoyable even for Rakugo beginners, and the price was reasonable at 1,000 yen, so I was satisfied. It made me want to try going to a proper yose.


[Updated September 2024]

最近は若者を中心に落語ブームになっています。落語を聞く20~30代の若者が増えている。デジタル世代を魅了する、古典芸能の落語。その魅力を知る。あなたは落語を聞いたことがあるだろうか。落語って、大喜利のことでしょ? と勘違いしている人はいないだろうか。そもそも落語とは、「落とし噺(ばなし)」とも呼ばれる「オチ」が付くのが特徴の古典芸能だ。落語家が一人何役も演じながら、身振りと手振りのみで噺(はなし)を進め、聞き手は自身の想像力でその世界を膨らませていく。







Recently, there has been a boom in rakugo, especially among young people. More and more young people in their 20s and 30s are listening to rakugo. Rakugo, a classical art form, fascinates the digital generation. Learn about its charms. Have you ever heard of rakugo? Isn't rakugo the same as Ogiri? Are there people who mistakenly think that? Rakugo is a classical art form characterized by the addition of a punch line, also known as a "rakugo story." A rakugo performer plays multiple roles and advances the story using only body and hand gestures, while the listener expands the world of the story using their own imagination. Looking from the side, it looks like a person in a kimono is just talking on a cushion, but to the audience listening intently, the characters come to mind clearly, creating a sense of realism that makes it seem as if they can hear the people's breathing. The story progresses with the characters' joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness mixed in, and the story ends with a punch line. At that moment, the audience is pulled back into the real world and realizes that they have been completely immersed in the world of the story. They may get tired of laughing, or even laugh so hard that their stomach muscles hurt. In an age where information overload has long been a concern, there is a space here where you can forget about your ties and simply lose yourself in laughter. Rakugo is becoming popular among young people. The spark that started it all is said to be "Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju." The anime based on the manga was a huge hit. Shinjuku Suehirotei, the vaudeville hall modeled after the original story, was even reported in the news for being crowded with young people. The boom is also being fuelled by the increasing number of places where you can listen to rakugo. In addition to regular vaudeville halls (where rakugo performances are held almost every day), there are rakugo performances for beginners such as "Shibuya Rakugo," and "Rakugo Cafes" where you can have tea or a meal while listening to rakugo. In the Tokyo metropolitan area, more than 1,000 rakugo performances are held per month (according to the vaudeville information magazine "Tokyo Kawaraban"). Admission to small yose theaters can be as low as 1,000 yen, making it easy for young people to invite their friends. However, if you feel that going to a yose theater is too much of a hurdle, you could try listening to it on a podcast or YouTube. If you have the time, you could also check out a library, as most libraries have rakugo CDs. If you listen to it once and like it, try going to a yose theater. You'll probably get hooked. In these days when social media fatigue is being pointed out, why not take a look at the world of rakugo, where the digital generation seeks healing, and immerse yourself in a world of laughter for a moment?

written by 仮面サラリーマン



徒然なる日々 中秋の名月  Idle Days: The Mid-Autumn Moon

Idle Days: The Mid-Autumn Moon








The harvest moon looked beautiful. The full moon is tomorrow, Saturday, September 14th, and I noticed that it was slightly crescent, probably because I was listening to the talk. I could see a rabbit in the moon. Some people say there aren't any rabbits, but there really are!! The breeze blew through during the day, so there was no need for air conditioning. We didn't decorate with silver grass or rice dumplings, but it's nice to be able to talk about the moon in everyday life. The summer heat is still lingering, but the sounds of insects clearly mean that autumn is here.


[Updated September 2024]































Every year, the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar is the harvest moon (the 15th night of the month). In the Gregorian calendar, the harvest moon in 2024 will be on Tuesday, September 17th. The moon on this day is said to be the most beautiful of the year. Since ancient times, in Japan, it has been a custom to enjoy moon viewing on the day of the harvest moon and give thanks for the autumn harvest. July to September on the lunar calendar is autumn. Since August is the middle of the autumn season, or "Chushu", the moon on the 15th night of the month in August came to be called the "Chushu no Meigetsu". The other name for the harvest moon, "Jugoya", is the 15th full moon counting from the new moon. Because the moon waxes and wanes, the 15th night of the month can be seen every month. However, the harvest moon on the 15th night of the month is said to be exceptional. The reason why the harvest moon is considered special in Japan is that the Japanese climate at this time of year is perfect for moon-viewing. Autumn, when the harvest moon occurs, is the perfect season to admire the moon. After the humid summer has passed, a bright, clear moon appears in the clear sky. Even when admiring the beautiful moon outside, you can enjoy it comfortably without feeling the heat. The sounds of insects heard from all over the place will also liven up the atmosphere of moon-viewing. When you think of the harvest moon, many people imagine a perfectly round full moon. However, the day of the harvest moon and the day of the full moon do not necessarily coincide. The harvest moon is determined to be on the 15th of August in the lunar calendar, which is based on the phases of the moon. The cycle from the new moon to the full moon is approximately 14.76 days. In this cycle, the new moon is the first day of the moon, so the full moon should be visible around the 15th of each month. However, since the period from the new moon to the full moon is not exactly 15 days, there is a possibility that there will be a slight difference in the date and the phases of the moon. For example, in 2019, the harvest moon was on September 13, but the full moon was on September 14. The harvest moon is a custom that was introduced from China during the Tang Dynasty. The custom of "gazing at the moon and offering prayers" was probably familiar to Japanese people, who have had the custom of worshiping the moon since ancient times. During the Heian period, the harvest moon became established as an event for the nobility. It is said that Heian nobles wrote waka poetry while admiring the moon, went boating, and shared sake. In ancient China, it was believed that "heavenly beings would descend from the moon" on the day of the harvest moon. Meanwhile, in Japan's "The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter," the harvest moon is the day when Princess Kaguya returns to the moon. The harvest moon viewing, which was a court event, spread to the common people during the Edo period. The common people's concern in autumn is the harvest. "Will the vegetables grow well?" "Will we get a lot of rice?" Gradually, elegant banquets took on a stronger meaning of harvest festivals, where people pray for the growth of crops and give thanks for the autumn harvest. Offerings that incorporate an abundance of seasonal produce are an essential part of the harvest moon. People would offer taro, chestnuts, soybeans, and autumn fruits to the three sides of the altar, decorate with the seven autumn herbs including Japanese silver grass, and pray to the moon for a bountiful harvest. Taro is a representative crop that is in season during the harvest moon. Before rice was introduced to Japan (during the Jomon period), taro was a staple food at one time, so it is an important vegetable to the Japanese people. The small white taro, carefully peeled, looks like a round moon. The taro has a double meaning: a celebration of the autumn harvest and a representation of the moon. Because of the custom of offering taro, the harvest moon is also known as the "sweet potato moon." Taro is a vegetable that grows endlessly from a single stalk. It is said that people also put their wishes for the prosperity of their descendants into this taro. The spikes of Japanese silver grass (Pampas grass/Obana), one of the seven autumn herbs, are also indispensable for the harvest moon. It is believed that Japanese silver grass serves as a vessel for the moon god and brings a good harvest. In addition, the Japanese silver grass offered on the harvest moon day was also treasured as a lucky charm to ward off evil. It is thought that Japanese silver grass was offered instead of rice. In light of the purpose of the moon viewing, which is to "pray for a good harvest," rice would be more appropriate than Japanese silver grass. Unfortunately, the harvest moon falls before the rice harvest season. For this reason, Japanese silver grass, which is also a member of the grass family, was used to represent rice. It is said that when round taro and Japanese silver grass are displayed side by side, it looks as if the moon is blessing the rice harvest. Tsukimi dango became popular in the late Edo period as an alternative to taro, which is offered during the harvest moon. Most tsukimi dango are made from rice flour and are round like the full moon. However, in the Kansai region, you can also see tsukimi dango covered in bean paste, and nowadays cute tsukimi dango in the shape of rabbits or cats are also popular. The number of tsukimi dango offered is customarily 15 in honor of the "fifteenth night," or 12 to match the number of months in the year (13 in leap years), but the number varies depending on the region and household. In China, where the harvest moon originated, moon viewing is always decorated with mooncakes. Mooncakes are round baked goods that resemble a full moon. They are not only used as offerings, but are also highly valued as gifts. In the past, stealing was permitted on the day of the harvest moon. Not only was it permitted, but it was even considered to be auspicious. The kind of thief permitted on the day of the harvest moon was the "moon viewing thief," who stole offerings to the moon. During the harvest moon, children would go around the neighborhood with bamboo spears, skewer the offerings on the spears, and eat them with gusto. People would watch over the children's actions with warm eyes, saying, "The Full Moon God forgives you." It is said that since ancient times, children have been considered messengers from the moon. It is said that a house in which the offerings have been completely stolen by the "children of the moon" would be guaranteed a good harvest that year. Furthermore, on the day of the harvest moon, you can steal and eat crops from the fields without any punishment. It is said that people who eat the stolen offerings or crops will not catch cold and will have good things happen to them. This custom is thought to be influenced by the warm hearts of people in the past who believed that "we should not monopolize the blessings from heaven (= the harvest of crops) for ourselves, but should share them with the weak and those in need." Did you know that after the harvest moon, there is a harvest moon day called "Juusan-ya"? Juusan-ya is a day for moon viewing on September 13th of the lunar calendar, about one month after the harvest moon. Just like around the time of the harvest moon, the weather around Juusan-ya is perfect for moon viewing. The moon on the Juusan-ya is as beautiful as the harvest moon. In Japan, it has been said since ancient times that it is unrefined if you do not see both the harvest moon and the Juusan-ya moon. Looking at only one of the moons was considered an unlucky act and called "Katamizuki." The Thirteenth Night of 2024 will be on Tuesday, October 15th. Be sure to enjoy it together with the Harvest Moon on September 17th.

written by ブー船長とスヌ
