
マイナンバーカード申請期限延長に見る柔軟な姿勢 Flexible attitude to extend the application deadline for My Number Card


総務省のホームページに、新しい情報が。New information on the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications website.




 About extension such as my number card application deadlines targeted for the maina point second

We would like to inform you that the deadline for applying for My Number Cards, which are eligible for the second round of Minor Points, has been changed from "the end of December 2022" to "the end of February 2023."

Regarding the point application deadline, we will announce it again at an appropriate time in the future, while monitoring the infection situation and the application / issuance status of the card so that those who applied for the card by the end of February can apply for points appropriately. I will have it.



Now you can realize that there is no absolute deadline.

Regardless of the intention of the project, it seems that they have a flexible attitude of "looking at the situation, etc." according to the situation, rather than "strictly observing the deadline no matter what".




In your regular work, there are a lot of absolute deadlines, right?

If it is late, an apology, a delay certificate, an increase in interest instead of calling it arrears, etc. It's a bit of a salvation that you're showing me a flexible posture. It would be nice if we could become a late-tolerant society. I try not to be late or late, but as a result, I feel like I didn't have to be late. It is close to the recognition that it happens to be continuous. If you are pressured by obligations and responsibilities, you will suddenly feel depressed.

Even so, it's a revolutionary period, a transitional period, and everything is changing.

マイナポイント第2弾! 保険証と口座とひも付けて15000ポイント

written by 水瀬次郎

2 件のコメント:

  1. 応募を沢山してもらいたいからですね。補助金の申請などは有無を言わさず締め切られます。

    1. 気づかないうちに気づかないところで助成金などが存在しているのを見つけると、とても驚きます。補助金の期限は厳格ですよね。
