
PLASTIC LOVE Mariya Takeuchi  City pop with a great face.

There are a number of songs that have been in the limelight more than they were at the time of their release at the cutting edge of such a movement, where "city pop" has come to be heard worldwide on You Tube.

Mariya Takeuchi's "PLASTIC LOVE" is such a song, isn't it?

Great things are great. It's simple. I've seen youtube views and English comments make it known worldwide.

Tatsuro Yamashita and Mariya Takeuchi are representative artists in Japan. There are many songs, and among them, "PLASTIC LOVE" attracted attention not only because of listening but also because of the large number of covers that sing and play. You can feel that the singer and the performer are enjoying themselves comfortably.

The second song of the album "VARIETY" released in 1984.

Released as a 12-inch single in 1985.

In 1989, it was taken up as a coupling song of "Dream Continuation".

I had the opportunity to listen to different versions, so the image was even more widespread. The sound is also visual.

One of the attractions is that first-class musicians gather and play. There is a feeling that a great face is pulling off smoothly.

You Tubeを舞台に世界的に「シティポップ」が聴かれるようになっていった、そんなムーブメントの最先端で発売当時以上に脚光を浴びている曲がいくつもあります。

竹内まりやさんの「PLASTIC LOVE」は、そんな一曲ですよね。

素晴らしいものは素晴らしい。シンプルです。世界的に知られていくのをYou Tubeの再生回数と英語コメントで見てきました。

山下達郎さんと竹内まりやさんは日本を代表するアーティストです。楽曲も多い、その中で「PLASTIC LOVE」が注目を集めたのは聴くだけでなく歌って演奏するカバーの多さにも理由がありそう。歌い手や演奏者が心地良さげに楽しんでいるのを実感できます。






MayonakanoDoor Miki Matsubara The ultimate city pop begins!

written by 水瀬次郎

2 件のコメント:

  1. 活躍期間を考えても山下達郎さんと竹内まりやご夫妻と松任谷ご夫妻は本当に凄いと思います。

    1. 現役で第一線ですもんね、本当に凄いです。音楽への向き合い方も素敵だと思います。
