"The maiden's innocence" sweet potato! If you can see the flowers, you are "lucky"
- 鹿児島県
- 茨城県
- 千葉県
- 宮崎県
- 徳島県
Top 5 sweet potato production in Japan Kagoshima prefecture Ibaraki Prefecture Chiba prefecture Miyazaki Prefecture Tokushima Prefecture am.
Top 5 sweet potato production in Japan Kagoshima prefecture Ibaraki Prefecture Chiba prefecture Miyazaki Prefecture Tokushima Prefecture am.
☆今日10月13日は「#サツマイモの日」— 茨城県 (@Ibaraki_Kouhou) 2017年10月12日
茨城県はサツマイモの栽培面積・生産量ともに全国第2位の大産地!特に #ほしいも は、全国の9割以上が茨城県で生産されているんですよ♪
茨城マルシェのパフェも、茨城ならではのスペシャルメニュー✨https://t.co/QhB7tOH4hO pic.twitter.com/MDRlVEyrYj
江戸時代、飢饉になったとき農民たちを救ったのが「サツマイモ」だったんだよね!!青木昆陽さんが、幕張や九十九里で「サツマイモ」の栽培に成功したことで、多くの人が助けられたんだって!!今でも千葉県は、「サツマイモ」の生産量が全国トップクラスだよ♪♪ pic.twitter.com/cOZvNRGJ8I— チーバくん (@chi_bakun_chiba) 2017年10月13日
さて。 サツマイモということは、名前から「薩摩」ですが、そもそもどうして薩摩芋なのでしょうか? 名前の由来を調べました。
Now. Sweet potato is "Satsuma" from the name, but why is it Satsuma potato in the first place? I investigated the origin of the name.
サツマイモ 「どこからきたの?」
Sweet potato "Where are you from?"
中国→琉球→薩摩 というルートのようです。
It originated in tropical America. It seems to be around Mexico. It was cultivated in the Central Andes from 800 BC to 1000 BC. Columbus brought it back from the Americas to Europe. It seems that the Spaniards and Portuguese brought them to the colonies of Southeast Asia and spread to China. I came to Japan around 1600. It seems that the route is China → Ryukyu → Satsuma. "I'm from China", so Karaimo. "Same name as China", sweet potato. There are also "potato" and "薯" in the character of potato. Sometimes it was called "sweet potato", and the "potato thought" written by Aoki Konyō is exactly sweet potato.
It originated in tropical America. It seems to be around Mexico. It was cultivated in the Central Andes from 800 BC to 1000 BC. Columbus brought it back from the Americas to Europe. It seems that the Spaniards and Portuguese brought them to the colonies of Southeast Asia and spread to China. I came to Japan around 1600. It seems that the route is China → Ryukyu → Satsuma. "I'm from China", so Karaimo. "Same name as China", sweet potato. There are also "potato" and "薯" in the character of potato. Sometimes it was called "sweet potato", and the "potato thought" written by Aoki Konyō is exactly sweet potato.
Flowers resemble morning glory and day glory!
ちなみに私は「サツマイモの花? あれれ。見たことあったかな」という記憶です。
Sweet potato flowers resemble morning glory and day glory. That should be it. Sweet potato is a plant belonging to the genus Ipomoea of the family Convolvulaceae. Morning glory also belongs to the genus Ipomoea of the family Convolvulaceae. It's similar. The flower language of such sweet potatoes is "The pure heart of a maiden" "Luck" am. By the way, I remember "Sweet potato flowers? That. Have you seen it?" I often look at the fields. The impression is that it is the most green.
Sweet potato flowers resemble morning glory and day glory. That should be it. Sweet potato is a plant belonging to the genus Ipomoea of the family Convolvulaceae. Morning glory also belongs to the genus Ipomoea of the family Convolvulaceae. It's similar. The flower language of such sweet potatoes is "The pure heart of a maiden" "Luck" am. By the way, I remember "Sweet potato flowers? That. Have you seen it?" I often look at the fields. The impression is that it is the most green.
However, if it looks like a morning glory or a day glory, you may not notice it even if you look at the flowers. Morning glory, day glory, and evening glory are in bloom in alleys and roadsides, and day glory and the like live in entwined areas and fields. I often see pumpkin flowers. Sweet potato flowers ... I'll be careful next time. Sweet potato ice cream. By all means when it gets hot.
However, if it looks like a morning glory or a day glory, you may not notice it even if you look at the flowers. Morning glory, day glory, and evening glory are in bloom in alleys and roadsides, and day glory and the like live in entwined areas and fields. I often see pumpkin flowers. Sweet potato flowers ... I'll be careful next time. Sweet potato ice cream. By all means when it gets hot.
念願の銀座つぼやきいも。差し入れいただきました😂✨しかも焼き芋アイス。冷んやり、ねっとり、甘味たっぷり‼️これ超好みだわ、ほんと美味しい。 pic.twitter.com/rAm8LhSsan— 白井ありさ@料理研究家 (@shiraari) 2019年6月4日