
◆万葉集に親しむ◆ ~その2~ 三輪山を……  ◆ Familiar with Manyoshu ◆ ~ Part 2 ~ Mt. Miwa ……

Familiar with Manyoshu

Part 2: Mt. Miwa ...

The time is 667 of the Asuka period. Emperor Tenji moves the capital from Asuka to Omi. This time, we will take up the song written by Princess Nukata, who was in the party who left for Omi in the transfer of capital. It is said to be a song about farewell to the beautiful Mt. Miwa, but it is also a sad love song, isn't it?

This song, which oozes a woman's heart that makes her heart squeak every time she reads it, is also my favorite song.

She hides Mt. Miwa, or hides the clouds and her heart (Princess Nukata)

🌸 Why does the cloud try to hide the familiar Mt. Miwa like that? I want you to understand this feeling at least with the clouds alone. Clouds, please don't hide Mt. Miwa.

🍁 Along with Emperor Tenji, who travels from Asuka to Omi, the group says goodbye to the familiar Mt. Miwa and heads for Omi. This song envisions a scene in which everyone in the group looks up at Mt. Miwa, looking back over and over again, regretting parting. At the same time, Princess Nukata, who is now the princess of Emperor Tenji, is full of sad love for the Prince of the Sea (Emperor Tenmu).

💡 This is a counter-song to the long song written by Princess Nukata during the transfer of capital to Omi. Princess Nukata may have remembered the happy days of being loved by the Prince of the Sea, as he walked slowly while looking at Mt. Miwa, which was gradually moving away, with the thought of being pulled back. Hmm. No, I'm sure that Mt. Miwa, looking back over and over again, was overlaid with the image of the Prince of the Sea.



三輪山を しかも隠すか 雲だにも 心あらなも 隠さふべしや                                                                        (十八 額田王)

🌸 慣れ親しんだ三輪山を、雲は、どうしてそのように隠そうとするのでしょう。せめて雲だけでもこの気持ちをわかってほしいというのに。雲よ、どうか三輪山を隠さないでおくれ。

🍁 飛鳥から近江へ旅立つ天智天皇に連れ添って、一行は見慣れた三輪山に別れを告げて近江へと向かいます。その一行のだれもが、別れを惜しんで何度も何度も振り返っては三輪山を仰ぎ見ている、そんな情景がこの歌から思い描かれます。同時に、今や天智天皇の妃になった額田王の、大海人皇子(天武天皇)へ寄せる切ない恋心もあふれ出ている一首です。

💡 この一首は、近江遷都の際に額田王が詠んだ長歌への反歌です。徐々に遠ざかっていく三輪山を後ろ髪引かれる思いで眺めてはゆっくりと歩を進める一行の中で、額田王は、大海人皇子に愛されて過ごした楽しい日々を思いだしていたのかもしれませんね。いえいえ、きっと、何度も振り返って仰ぎ見る三輪山に、大海人皇子の面影を重ね見ていたのでしょう。

written by Kazusa

2 件のコメント:

  1. 返信
    1. 昔の人の恋愛って今よりももっと自由奔放だったのかもしれませんね。
